However, that question was closed when they found a hack to solve it. I cannot use this hack. My entire layout is inside a ScrollView, and I need to be able to use this scrollview properly at all times. By using android:windowSoftInputMode="stateVisible|adjustPan" the user will not be able to scroll down and see the bottom of the screen while the keyboard is showing, since the layout will partly exist behind the keyboard. Thus the solution is unacceptable to me. Are there any better solutions out there?

adjustPan basically means that your activity will not resize itself to fit the soft keyboard, and stateVisible means that the soft keyboard will show when requested (this can be stateAlwaysVisible, etc if necessary)

Keyboard Theme Images Download

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After days of hardcore hacking I finally managed to construct a solution so advanced it might actually hurt to read it. I place an ImageView with the background behind the scrollview, and set scaleType="matrix" so it does not shrink when the keyboard is shown.

I understand your dilemma and why the solution you linked to isn't a complete solution for your situation (since you can't scroll to the bottom of the view). I have a similar situation with a large scrollable EditText box. When the soft keyboard pops up I don't like my background getting squished.

Basically it seems that when you set the scaleType to matrix you're telling Android to draw the background 1:1 and not to scale. So what's happening when you open the soft keyboard using your solution is, your scrollView and imageView are all getting resized as usual, but the image src you set remains 1:1 thus continues showing the same area.

In a vain effort to try and solve this, I stumbled upon a View attribute called android:isScrollContainer. This attribute tells certain views whether or not they are allowed to resize upon display of the soft keyboard. This is also mentioned by someone in your linked solution. I have tried setting this (to false) on the ViewGroup containing my background, but any child element that scrolls seems override it causing the squishing again.

When you customize your theme, make design and content choices that help to keep your online store accessible. An accessible website is designed so that it can be used by everyone, including people with disabilities. Making choices for your online store with accessibility in mind can help you to provide an inclusive experience for all of your customers.

When you add images to your online store, it's important to make them accessible to customers who are blind or have low vision. You can do this by adding alternative text that accurately describes each image. Customers who use screen readers rely on alt text to communicate the content of images on your online store.

The Google Keyboard theme settings let you choose your own image from your library and use it as background, or you can choose from a bunch predefined set color schemes that best suits your personality.

First off, if you have not installed the Google Keyboard app on your Android device then you can download it from the Play Store. Alternatively, make sure the Google Keyboard app on your device is up-to-date, for the new updates, like customizable themes you will need version 5.1.23 or later.

After the exercise with three theme-layouts for these systems you should have got an understanding how theming works in general. Three is the minimum of systems to fill the carousel and also the maximum visible at the same time.

This tutorial was developed on Windows, but all the main parts (the XML and images) can be done on any Operating System, as long as you can access and modify files in the theme folder on your Raspberry Pi (e.g., with Samba, see setup).

The Detailed View is what you see if you have scraped metadata. Different themes can show different data, in different places or a different order, but every theme can only display these values (along with the Game List):

This tutorial uses the portable version of EmulationStation created by @herb_fargus. But this is not a restriction, you can use your own ES setup on a different system and may use for example Samba to serve the theme files.

You may also edit theme files directly on the Raspberry. However, you should use a wired network connection between your desktop and the Raspberry to enable smooth editing. Open \\retropie\configs\all\emulationstation\themes\ in the Windows File Explorer. You should be able to see (and edit) the currently installed themes of your EmulationStation installation. If you do not see any theme, then install the Spare theme as outlined below. For reloading a theme (see shortcuts) you should also have a keyboard attached to your RetroPie, and it should be in reach from your desktop system.

Open spare/gb/theme.xml and add these lines: 4 ./../spare.xml Notice that it's almost identical to spare.xml, except for a few things. You don't need to specify any theme details, because we are using this line:

The first thing we'll do is set the path to the image: You should already have bg_color.png in your images' folder. If not, grab it from the Spare theme you downloaded earlier and place it in the spare/_inc/images folder. This image is a simple, white 32 x 32px PNG.

If you want to see any changes you have made to your theme files, first save the file. Start EmulationStation with the --debug. Within EmulationStation press left Ctrl+R whenever you want to force the theme to be re-applied. This will be referred as "refresh the theme" in this tutorial.

Let's choose a light gray color, so it stands out a little, but not too much. Your background_color Element should now look like this: ./_inc/images/bg_color.png 0 0 0 0 1 1 d4d4d4And if you refresh ES, you'll now see a light gray background behind the Carousel.

Expand and insert the following: ./_inc/images/bg_color.png 0 0 0 0 1 0.18 FFFFFF99This places a white box across the top of the screen that is 100% of the screen in width and 18% of the screen in height:

./_inc/images/bg_color.png 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.09 0.4 0.16 ff0000aa- 0.5 0.5 sets the Origin Point to the center of the box.- 0.5 0.09 puts the Origin Point of the box at 50% of the screen width, and at 9% of the screen height.- 0.4 0.16 means the box is 40% wide and 16% high.- ff0000aa gives the box a transparent red color.

Notice logo_helper and image_helper_2 both have 0.5 0.5. This is because we want the images to be aligned from the very center of their Helper box. It takes a bit more work to get these aligned properly, but it looks better once they are.

Now for the Video View. Video support is a newer feature of EmulationStation, so we have to take care to ensure our theme is backward compatible. Video view is an extension of the Detailed View and should only require a few modifications.

The final step is to ensure backward compatibility with earlier versions of EmulationStation that do no support video. To do this, we use a feature element. The feature element is used to hide portions of the theme XML from versions that do not support the specified feature.

As you may have already noticed the size element takes percent values of the actual screen size for images. For the layout of text components with a given , additionally the selected font (its Glyphs), the and the defined are factors for the layout. The last two values are also expected to be percent values. The glyph values are calculated by ES depending on the the theme has defined.

This shows the theme layout as-is when you check it out from GitHub. Notice how the "Games Available" bounding box (bbox) and the bbox of the text below overlap (the latter is named long description or longdescription). However, the texts do not overlap coincidentally as the bbox for the long description is large enough, and the text is put in the middle of the text bbox by default (instead of top or bottom vertical alignment).

Takeaway #5: The result is the same as in case 1 or case 3, but is more difficult to grasp when maintaining the theme and may result in unwanted layouts, as the size suggest the specific text for that element will fit into size when wrapped. Better use either height of zero or define a height with enough space for the longest text so that the bbox will not grow downwards on texts that exceed the height.

Congratulations to those that made it this far. It's been a heck of a journey. You now have everything you need to make your own themes. Feel free after you have gained confidence with creating a theme to pay the RetroPie project forward by amending to this guide. For more sophisticated questions be invited to place your question in the forum.

The primary focus of the team is to help theme authors transition to blockBlock Block is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience.-based themes.

Keyboard navigation must be supported in all responsive views. While the native interaction on mobile devices is touch, the use of a keyboard to navigate mobile devices is an important tool for many users. Be aware that since responsive modes are triggered based on content width, screen reader users who operate without a monitor or low vision users at high levels of zoom are likely to trigger these modes.

Specifically, sub-sections defined by your theme must use heading elements. This includes wrapping your post title in a heading when used in an article context and wrapping widgetWidget A WordPress Widget is a small block that performs a specific function. You can add these widgets in sidebars also known as widget-ready areas on your web page. WordPress widgets were originally created to provide a simple and easy-to-use way of giving design and structure control of the WordPress theme to the user. titles in headings.

Theme authors must ensure that all background/foreground color contrasts for plain content text are within the level AA contrast ratio (4.5:1) specified in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAGWCAG WCAG is an acronym for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. These guidelines are helping make sure the internet is accessible to all people no matter how they would need to access the internet (screen-reader, keyboard only, etc) ) 2.0 for color luminosity. 006ab0faaa

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