Behind the Scenes

Is it your face

that adorns the garden?

Is it your fragrance

that intoxicates this garden? Is it your spirit

that has made this brook

a river of wine?

Hundreds have looked for you and died searching

in this garden

where you hide behind the scenes.

But this pain is not for those who come as lovers.

You are easy to find here. You are in the breeze

and in this river of wine.

Precious Love

Oh God! I have discovered love!

How marvelous! How good!

How beautiful it is! My body is warm from the heat of this love

How secret! How deep! How obvious it is!

I offer my salutations to the stars and the moon, to all my brothers and sisters

I offer my salutations to the spirit of passion that aroused and excited

this universe and all it contains

I have fallen unable to rise.

What kind of trap is this?

What chains have tied my hands and feet?

It is so strange and so wonderful

this loving helplessness of mine.

Be silent, do not reveal the secret of my precious love.

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The Mirror

We are the mirror as well as the face in it.

We are tasting the taste this minute of eternity. We are pain and what cures pain, both.

We are the cold sweet water and the jar that pours I want to hold you close like a lute,

so that we can cry out with loving.

Would you rather throw stones at a mirror?

I am your mirror and here are the stones

Look At Your Eyes

I am so small I can barely be seen.

How can this great love be inside me? Look at your eyes, they are small but they see enormous things.

Looking For Love

God is within

My heart is in harmony with my head

my spirit soars as a bird in search of new sky, The innocence of my life

releases the God I love everywhere.

Yes, I got the picture from minority em on face book. I am a huge poetry buff. I myself have been writing poetry since I was 14 years old. I recognized that line that Billie has tattooed on his chest from a poem by Jalal-Uddin Rumi a 13th century Turkish Sufi Mystic Poet who lived (1207-1273). Rumi is known for his insight in being able to describe the indescribable with his erotic & passionate love poems. Here is a link to some of his poetry Also you can find some of his works that has been translated into the English language by Coleman Barks with John Moyne in these following books that : The Essential Rumi, Soul of Rumi and The Glance

This flute is played with fire, not with wind,

and without this fire you would not exist.

It is the fire of love that inspires the flute.

It is the ferment of love that completes the wine.

Rumi describes how he has not the words to express his love and what words he does choose are well beyond me. He describes the power of love and all the amazing things it does and how without love, he would despair. He then advises us to clean the mirror of our hearts (by repenting for and leaving sin and increasing good works) so that we can turn to God and find the love that Rumi describes within ourselves. And God knows best and He alone is enough for us.

In our world of business and leadership still dominated by outmoded models of control, hierarchy, scarcity, competition, we leave little room for leading from love. From abundance, empathy, understanding, empowerment, engagement, enablement.

Rumi is one of the most inspirational and widely-read mystical poets. He was a passionate seeker of the truth and placed great faith in living from the heart. Read these Rumi quotes about love to drop deeper into your heart. So you can feel free.

I loved them all. I specially loved no 5. This addresses the essence of the universe. It says " In your light i learn how to love, in your beauty, how to make poems, You dance inside my chest where no one sees you, but sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art.

My friend Miss C is one of those people. She is one of only two other souls I know in this world who love food as much as I do. A meal with Miss C, if it is good, can involve deep moans of satisfaction, cries of pleasure, and many, many oh my Gods.

There was one disappointing aspect about the meal. We had a lovely pescatarian lady on our table, and despite being told that she would be well fed with good fishy and vegetarian dishes in place of all that red meat, the substitutes were a little disappointing. The second course for my pescatarian friend was a plate of chargrilled cherry tomatoes (in place of the quail). I would hope that next time she would get something a little more interesting and substantial.

Rumi is a treasure, and the perfect place for a long decadent dinner with friends who love food, or a romantic first date when you are really trying to impress. It has delicious and interesting dishes that satisfy all the senses and a relaxed enough atmosphere that you can have a laugh after 3 glasses of wine and not feel self conscious about it.

Before I leave you lovely Melbournites I just want to make special mention of the service at Rumi. It was impeccable, faultless, and much better than the service at some of the more expensive (and pretentious) restaurants in Melbourne. Our waitress was helpful, down to earth and patient. She explained the food, filled our drinks, had a laugh with us and then left us alone. Perfect.

Great reviews, Judy. I have been wanting to get,The Boy In The STRIPED PYJAMAS, now I know I want it. I hadn't heard of THE UNDOMESTIC GODDESS but I want it too. 

Problem is, I still have to buy Glam's book. Money has been a bit tight. But I will eventually get to them. I DO have a list. :)

Hugs and we love you. Christopher differs with you on the not having a maternal bone. :)

37. God is a meticulous clock maker. So precise is His order that everything on earth happens in its own time. Neither a minute late nor a minute early. And for everyone without exception, the clock works accurately. For each there is a time to love and a time to die.

Koshino's work invites and then frustrates myinteractive impulse. Full contact interruption, accidental ornot, seems practically the only figurative immersion into theworld it captures. Love Letter delivers me only partialglimpses into a lyric retelling, a limited contract it enforceswith the threat of its damage or collapse. In other of Koshino'sworks, by a similar tactic, the recursive deployment of nets,taut lines and cages points out a need or desire to restrictaccess even to clearly accessible parts of the room. Theseovert and covert focal directives ultimately play off of acollective sense of art-viewing propriety and assert controlover the act of reading it.

The quasi-eponymous no-brainer, Nothing IsConcrete (2010) features an approx. six-foot cube constructedby stacking what, in a glance, appear to be cinder blocks butturn out to be paper replicas of cinder blocks. Each little boxis deceptively faithful to the real deal in its faux finish, downto the cameos of its characteristic dual orifices, only, of course,renderings of false darkness. The edifice, with a knowingwink, goes back on at least two agreements: solidity andinteriority, and so it starts to max out the tensile strength of thecognitive 2D/3D barrier. The flat medium's twofold mimeticdevice of bodily separation from an event and suspension inperspective, here, carries over into habitable space. Its coverblown, perhaps a little defensive, the bunker now just seems toshit-talk me into proximity with it, testing ego restraint andlocal air currents. I'm reminded, however, as I close thedistance between us, of a repressed love for plain-old artifice.When I find myself in ambiguous spatial arrangementsI incline to the embrace of an external force - somemeans to convey me through a medium for which I have notools. Things like film and television and bestsellers prescribea position for me and engineer my response; hardware(camera, frame, page) and narrative syntax (simulated movementin time and space) harness their participant into a virtualfield of action. Koshino provides the field for suspension butdenies the hardware, or rather. refuses to set it into motion, anintentional oversight that prompts agency and, sometimes,indignation.

Have you ever reflected on the many forms that religious experience takes, the various archetypes of the spiritual life? I don't mean designations like bishop, rabbi, imam or swami, but more essential patternings that may run across traditions and cultures. There's the hierophant or high priest or priestess, the hermit, the shaman, the healer, the humble servant, the prophet, the ascetic, as well as some less complimentary types -- but let's not go there. And then there's the Way of the Lover, the person who is simply in love with God and, as a consequence, in love with people, with nature, with all of creation as an expression of God.

One extraordinary example of this archetype, is the great 13th Century Persian-speaking mystic Rumi, who is known mostly as a great poet, but who was also a monumental figure in the history of religious thought. His six-volume "Mathnawi" is a compendium of inspired reflection, entertaining and sometimes earthy stories, sublime flights of inspiration, metaphysical subtleties and occasionally vulgar jokes, all of which relentlessly, consistently and coherently reflect his perspective on reality. One way that perspective might be summed up is to say that Rumi saw everything in existence as continually revealing the Beauty, Generosity, Intelligence, Grace and Love of the Divine Being. Rumi was awestruck, gobsmacked, blissfully intoxicated with this love-drenched Oneness. Gradually, Rumi also regained a sobriety expansive enough to contain this ecstatic intoxication and in the course of his life left us a literary legacy that has earned him the title "the Shakespeare of mystics."

For Rumi, the Divine purpose behind all of creation is to reveal the true dimensions of Divine Love. A well-known saying in Islamic tradition which he often referred to is: "(The Divine says) I was a Hidden Treasure and I loved to be known, so I created the worlds visible and invisible so My treasure of generosity and loving-kindness would be known." Allah wanted to express His/Her Love and voila creation unfolded and continues to unfold through Love! It is our task to grow in appreciation, gratitude and consciousness of this Love. There's no greater reason to be alive. 006ab0faaa

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