
A small intro about how I got interested in space technology.

Space has always been my passion, My story starts from childhood, when I visited a planetarium in lower primary class. There was this show, which amazed me. The videos were projected on a dome, which changed my view about space and our galaxy. I felt like there is something , which we are still to achieve. I was also amazed by the new technology and as a kid tried to break toys and built something new with it, this helped me bag some prizes in school level science fairs, so I came to a conclusion that both space and electronics excites me.

When I made the decision to join engineering, I knew the major I choose should help me keep my passion about space technology as well electronics. So I chose Electronics and Communication as my major for undergraduate studies. Since then I have been an active member of Astronomy and Space Technology Club. I am founder and currently a mentor of LaunchPad SJCE, can-satellite building club of our college.

The 1969 Apollo Guidance Computer

In this talk Robert Wills introduces the amazing hardware and software that made up the Apollo Guidance Computer, walks you through the landing procedure step-by-step, and talks about the pioneering design principles that were used to make the landing software robust against any failure. He also explains the problems that occurred during the Apollo 11 landing, and shows you how the Apollo Guidance Computer played its part in saving the mission.

Apollo 11 Guidance computer code Luminary099

Thing to check out if you like space and related technologies!

  1. Check out some great shots by Hubble Telescope here: Hubble Telescope

  2. An amazing video of Falcon Heavy launch : Falcon heavy