Kerrville Walking Group


• First Saturday of the month walk is on the
Kerrville River Trail starting at various trailheads.
1. Dietert Center on Guadalupe St.,  2. Schreiner University @ Trailhead Bar,  3. Kerrville-Schreiner Park @ Loop 534

• On all other Saturdays, we walk at many locations throughout the Hill Country.

•  Exercise and visit with others of similar interests. 

• Its fun and its free!

Click here for details on our next walk.

• We would love to have you join us on our next walk.

We meet on Saturday mornings at the suggested walk location and time. If you sign up for our emails, you will get GPS coordinates including a quick link of the meet site and a walking map a few days before the walk. Or, see the schedule below.

• Our walks will introduce you to places you might not have otherwise visited or known about.

• Since there are no speed or distance requirements, come out and visit with others of similar interests.

• There is NO CHARGE for the weekly walks or to be a member of the group. However, some venues may have a nominal facilities or registration fee.

• Pets on a leash are welcome for most of the walks.

• FYI, most of the walkers enjoy conversation, coffee, etc. after the walk. Just saying... 

• Please forward the above web site address to family, friends, acquaintances, roadrunners, pets, etc.

• If you would like get notifications of upcoming walks and events, select the following link: Register Now!

• Walk Schedule - Click Here

Photos and maps of our walks.      

Dietert Center Location Info

 • FYI: 8 Ways Walking Changes Your Brain For The Better, According To Science 

Click here for info on the Financial Round Table Online - No experience is required.

Kerrville Weather

• To get on our weekly email list, fill out  and submit "Contact Us" below.

Please join us on our next walk.

• Happy Trails from your Trail Boss, Ed E   830-201-0808

Press Release.

Kerrville Walking Group (KWG) Weekly Saturday Walk Schedule (ktrailboss)