GIS Work

GIS Training

WHO Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) - COVID-19 GIS Training: GIS Instructor - June 30th - August 11th 2020 :  

GIS Projects

Regional geographic mapping of ESAVI surveillance indicators for the region of the Americas

Geographic Metabolomic Mapping of Participants based on Diabetes Status for the ECHORN Adult Cohort (Barbados, Puerto Rico, US Virigin Islands). 

Evaluation of the Built Environment for Physical Activity for the Eastern Caribbean Region.

Mapping of COVID-19 Confirmed Cases and Contact Tracing in Trinidad

Mapping Community Mobility during COVID-19 pandemic in Caribbean and Latin America

Mapping of Public Transportation stops in Barbados

Mapping of Access to Essential Services for Elderly Population in Barbados

Child and Adolescent Pregnancies in Kenya during the COVID-19 pandemic (Historical Comparison)

An Assessment of Walkability for the UNESCO site of Bridgetown and the Garrison, Barbados.