The Northland Chess Championship took place in Kerikeri on Saturday 28th October 2023 at the Turner Centre. We had 152 registered with 137 able to attend a full day of chess tournament.

Below you will find all relevant information, including the briefing pack, players registration, the final results and official tournament photos.

Note; Tie-break system scores were applied to determine the final winners. Only players who are residents in Northland qualified for trophies and titles. All players who entered qualified for the prize money.

Thank you to all the amazing volunteers helping out and the generous support from our sponsors. We are planning to be back next year! If you would like to get involved with either organising or be a sponsor, do reach out to us!

Players Briefing Pack 2023.pdf

Players Briefing Pack

NCC2023 - Registration (Website).pdf

Registration List

NCC2023-Final Results Juniors.pdf

Final Results Juniors

NCC2023-Final Results Youth.pdf

Final Results Youths

NCC2023-Final Results Seniors.pdf

Final Results Seniors

Official tournament photos below - download high resolution photos here

Trophy table with cash and spot prizes

3rd Winner - Junior Title 

Ryan Smith

2nd Winner - Junior Title 

Jasper Hewlett

1st Winner - Junior Title and Northland Chess Champion 2023

Benjamin Wyrsch-Copplestone 

Special Junior Talent Award

Te Kiri from TKKM o Pukemiro

3rd Winner - Youth Title 

Raffy McAngus

2nd Winner - Youth Title 

Scott Haines

1st Winner - Youth Title and Northland Chess Champion 2023

Rudolph Louw

Northland Youth Title and Trophy winners

with overall third placed Aden Dexter

3rd Winner - Senior Title 

Fritz Blackburn

2nd Winner - Senior Title 

Jeremy Andrew Browne

1st Winner - Senior Title and Northland Chess Champion 2023

Cyber Li