The Northland Chess Championship took place in Kerikeri on Saturday 12th November 2022 at the Turner Centre. We had 153 registered with 127 able to attend a full day of chess tournament.

Below you will find all relevant information, including the briefing pack, players registration, the final results and official tournament photos.

Note; Tie-break system scores were applied to determine the final winners. Only players who are residents in Northland qualified for trophies and titles. All players who entered qualified for the prize money.

Thank you to all the amazing volunteers helping out and the generous support from our sponsors. We are planning to be back next year! If you would like to get involved with either organising or be a sponsor, do reach out to us!

NCC - Players Briefing Pack.pdf

Players' Briefing Pack

NCC2022- Registration (Website).pdf

Registration list

NCC-2022 Fnal Results.pdf

Final Results

Official tournament photos taken by Corey Matchitt from tai media /

Download high resolution photos from here

1st Winner - Junior Title

Benjamin Wyrsch-Copplestone

1st Winner - Youth Title

Scott Haines

1st Winner - Senior Title

Saibo Li

2nd Winner - Junior Title

Sebastian Ferenbach

2nd Winner - Youth Title

Raffy McAngus

2nd Winner - Senior Title

Frank Weber

3rd Winner - Junior Title

Xavier Tepania

3rd Winner - Youth Title

Jake Needham

3rd Winner - Senior Title

Sam Wyrsch

The Junior Northland Chess Champion 2022

Benjamin Wyrsch-Copplestone

The Youth Northland Chess Champion 2022

Scott Haines

The Senior Northland Chess Champion 2022

Saibo Li

The Mana Garland Memorial Cup Winner

Benjamin Wyrsch-Copplestone

Prize money winners (from left to right):

Duncan McDonald 3rd Prize - Xxavier Willoughby-Ansell 1st Prize (6:6 points) - Saibo Li 2nd Prize