About the Virtual Season

Not content to merely wait for a "return to normal," The Kent Singers are undertaking a virtual season to reintroduce music and community, the two pillars of choir, into our lives. We have all keenly missed these twin sources of joy and comfort that had been a part of our lives' rhythm. For many of us—perhaps all—singing in a choir has been something that helped us cope in past periods of uncertainty and grief; to be unable to come together in song has added to the sense of loss affecting our communities and our families.

Because technological obstacles make live remote singing a challenge, we will stay musically engaged through pre-recorded, guided practice sessions shared weekly via private YouTube links. In these sessions, we will work on voice building and musicianship while preparing the choruses from all three parts of Handel's Messiah. Once we can safely return to in-person singing, we will finish rehearsing and perform the complete Messiah with a full orchestra of period instruments and a quartet of professional soloists.

We will remain connected as a community through weekly virtual gatherings at 7:30pm on Wednesday nights via Zoom.

All are welcome to attend the first two weeks—both the gatherings and the recorded sessions—for free. Thereafter, links will be available for singers who have paid their dues. We have reduced our normal rate to $100 for as long as we are virtual. As always, dues do not fully cover our operating costs, but they do help offset our expenses—and we believe we can offer an enjoyable, meaningful, and edifying experience virtually while preparing for the time we can safely sing together again.

We hope you will consider joining us virtually!

Key Details

When? Beginning Wednesday, September 9, at 7:30pm

What? Music + Community

    • Weekly pre-recorded Guided Practice Sessions focusing on vocal technique and musicianship while learning the choruses from Handel's Messiah (all three parts!), which we will perform with full period orchestra and professional soloists once it's safe

    • Wednesday night virtual gatherings to be together again

How? Wednesday gatherings via Zoom / Guided Practice Sessions via private YouTube link

Who? YOU + anyone you know who wants to join!

    • The first two weeks are free and open to any interested singers!

    • Thereafter, dues are $100 for as long as we remain virtual

Why? Because we all need more music and community back in our lives, and this is an opportunity to grow vocally and musically while delving into one of the most beloved masterpieces of choral music