Upper Gwynedd Voting District 6 Boundaries

Here is a map of our Voting District -- District 6.  If you live in this area, you are in Upper Gwynedd Voting District 6 and vote at the Gwynedd Square Elementary School at 1641 Supplee Rd, Lansdale, PA.

Note:  Our Voting District 6 polling place (Gwynedd Square Elementary School) is in our district boundaries.   But sometimes, there isn't a polling location within a district boundary - or it's more convenient to share a polling place.  That's what happens every election day in our district.  We share a polling place with Districts 4 and 5.  Districts 4 and 5 boundaries are near the school.   When you go to Gwynedd Square, you will see signs pointing to District 4's room, district 5's room and other signs pointing to District 6's room.  If you are in District 6, you will follow the signs to District 6's room and vote there.  Due to the Covid-19 epidemic, the county has consolidated some polling locations.  District 6 and District 5 have not changed and remain at the Gwynedd Square Elementary School gym.  Just so you know, District 4 that normally votes at Brittany Pointe Estates is now voting in the Gwynedd Square Elementary School Cafeteria. So if you vote in-person, you may see people from district 4 who may be a little confused as to where to go.  Please help them find their way.

Here is a full map of all of Upper Gwynedd and the voting districts: https://www.uppergwynedd.org/sites/g/files/vyhlif1351/f/uploads/voting-district-map.pdf 

Streets that vote in District 6 include:

Allen Way

Allentown Rd

Bainbridge Lane

Barry Ave

Becker Rd

Beth Drive

Bradford Lane

Brian Way

Canterbury Drive

Charter Oaks Drive

Church Rd

Corinne Court

Dawn Drive

Eric Lane

Franklin Blvd

Fulton Ave

Garfield Ave

Girard Ave

Huntingdon Place

Jackson Street

Jays Drive

Johnson Ave

Keith Lane

Kingsley Hall Drive

Kneedler Rd

Kristin Circle

Lownes Ave

Mifflin Drive

Newport Lane

Patterson Drive

Pattys Circle

Pennbrook Parkway

Prospect Ave

Providence Lane

Quinn Lane


Samantha Court

Smallwood Place

Sproul Ave

State Street

Steuben Drive

Stony Creed Rd

Sturbridge Lane

Sullivan Drive

Sumneytown Pike

Sumneytown Pike

Supplee Rd

Whitney Place