21st Century Skills

Critical Thinking

Students will demonstrate their critical thinking skills by:

  • conducting research into the global phenomenon of cyber-bullying.

  • investigating the causes & effects of cyber-bullying.

  • identifying local solutions for cyber-bullying.


Students will express their creativity by making anti-cyberbullying posters and infographics as well as by creating a PSA video about cyberbullying.


Students will collaborate to:

  • create questions for their surveys about cyberbullying.

  • write an anti-cyberbullying policy for their school.

  • create a PSA video about cyberbullying.

Real World Experience

Students will explore a real-life issue that directly impacts themselves and those around them. Connecting students' lived experiences to larger, relevant social problems will prepare them for life outside of secondary school (Tubach, 2020).

Emotional Intelligence

Students will demonstrate their emotional intelligence by considering the effects of cyberbullying on themselves and their peers: feeling overwhelmed, powerless, humiliated, worthless, disinterested, isolated, depressed, and even suicidal (Gordon, 2020).


Students will find solutions to cyber-bullying for their schools and will explore these in their PSA videos and on their anti-cyberbullying policies (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2017).