
This site serves as an e-Portfolio which demonstrates my learning throughout the path of developing my skills in instructional technology at California State University, San Bernardino.

About me

Welcome to my ePortfolio! My name is Kelly Rice and I am a third-grade teacher at Endeavour School of Exploration in Victor Elementary School District. This is my fifth year teaching at Endeavour, having taught fifth grade during my first year. Prior to earning my teaching credential, I worked as an instructional aide in Kindergarten and a substitute teacher in grades K-5 including Special Education (mild/moderate to severe) for Monrovia Unified School district. Teaching is my second career, as I started working first in the banking industry. I always knew I wanted to work with young children and steadily made my way through college as a wife and mom of two children of my own. I hope to instill the love of learning in my students and inspire them to reach for their goals as I continue to pursue my own. Earning my Master's degree in Instructional Technology will support my experiences as an elementary educator by enhancing my skills as an instructional designer using "teach-nology," as I like to call it. This includes various technological tools which support student learning by providing opportunities for inquiry and independent learning. I feel that technology is the key to bringing the outside world into my classroom, and with the right level of guidance, I can help my students utilize it to help them become successful in school.