Improving Our Schools

Promote high quality education through restoring respect for teachers and support staff

Teachers pour their hearts and their wallets into their classrooms, only to be met with excuses and disrespect from elected officials year after year. They are overwhelmed with ever increasing responsibilities, while being denied fair compensation. Brevard is struggling to keep experienced teachers in the classroom and court new high quality teachers because of this pattern. It's time we recognize and treat our teachers like the professionals that they are.

Protect our children by instituting proven school safety measures

Hundreds of experts agree on what we can do to prevent future school tragedies. Their recommendations include increasing school-based mental health services and training and maintaining threat assessment teams that include mental health and law enforcement partners. As a parent I understand the feeling of wanting to do anything to protect your child. Any decision to arm school personnel would be purely to save money, is unsupported both by the research and all impacted parties, and opens a Pandora’s box of liability and financial uncertainty. Our children deserve school resource officers, law enforcement professionals that are valued members of the school community and are exclusively dedicated to protecting the safety of our schools.

Provide students with promising futures through vocational and trade school opportunities

Educational opportunities can benefit our local economy. I will advocate for more vocational and trade school opportunities in Brevard Public Schools. As new industries bring new jobs to our area they need workers ready to fill a variety of roles. Many of the skills most students need to compete in the job market are technical skills that fall into the technical/vocational area. Students who don’t excel in traditional academic areas, or who have little interest in them, should have the ability to learn a valuable trade skill that can become a career.