Human development 335

Community STEPs

5 weeks with Dr. Kelly: Spring 2023 April 3-May 5

about the Course

  • Course Statement: This 5-week fully online course helps students gain skills, training, experience, and purpose through human development-related community engagement. I will guide you as you will identify field sites related to your career goals and engage in short-term community experiences or outreach. Through this course, you will enhance your professional communication, problem-solving, and leadership. This is an ideal course for students who are planning to take HDEV 470 in the following semester. This course runs the final 5 weeks of the semester.

  • Student Learning Outcomes:

  1. Identify skills for working with a diversity of individuals and communities and/or in a professional workplace

  2. Assess own strengths and areas for improvement for working with a diversity of individuals and communities and/or in a professional workplace

  3. Practice student’s strengths and areas for improvement for working with a diversity of individuals and communities and/or in a professional workplace

Teaching Philosophy

I believe curiosity, wonder, and awe are essential components to learning and teaching. My role as your HDEV 335 instructor is to facilitate your learning as a CSULB student, support your socioemotional growth as an emerging professional, and inspire lifelong learning as you plan your way to graduation.
To this end, I aspire to create a clear and structured learning environment that provides high, but attainable, expectations to guide your journey through this class. I work to promote a positive, honest, safe, and open community to discuss your progress as you navigate through the materials and topics in this class, providing space to ask questions, address challenges, and celebrate successes. I believe in deep listening, amplifying underrepresented voices, intentional reflection, and continuous growth to promote equity and inclusion in my teaching practice. I don't have all the answers, and I won't always say or do exactly the right thing. But, I am committed to radical self-reflection and holding myself accountable to ensure that my teaching style and materials are considerate of and represent the diversity in the classroom and the larger community.

class structure

This 5-week class is an online course. There are no class meetings and all assignments will be delivered and completed via BeachBoard.
This class is paced, week-by-week, to structure and scaffold your acquisition of knowledge of HDEV-related community organizations, the competencies needed to work with individuals from diverse backgrounds, and the preparation required to gain admission to graduate school. A strong emphasis is placed on identifying and fostering professional skills and building student confidence and competence in community outreach.
In an online, asynchronous environment, you have more responsibility for your learning and are therefore expected to be proactive, stay up-to-date on assignments, and reach out to me with questions or concerns. As your instructor, I am here to facilitate and support your learning. Over the next 5 weeks, I will guide you through learning materials (readings, videos, etc.) and learning activities to support your success in this class.

Current Students:

BeachBoard Site (coming soon)

Contact Information for Human DEVelopment 335

Come by my office hours. No appointment is necessary. Or, email me anytime.