
Registration for this event is currently open. (Deadline: Dec. 15th, 2023)

Application for short talks is also open now. (Deadline: Dec. 8th, 2023)


Sat 16/12 (Day 1)

08:50-09:00 Opening

[Particle Physics (chair: Shuhei Ohzawa)]

09:00-09:30 Yuuki Takenami (U. of Toyama)

 "Basics of Particle Physics 1: Quantum Electrodynamics (QED)" 

09:30-10:30 Yoshiyuki Iwazaki (U. of Toyama)

"Basics of Particle Physics 2: Standard Model (SM) and Higgs"

10:30-11:00 Yuzuho Komori (Osaka Metropolitan U.)

"Problems in the SM and Basics of Gauge-Higgs Unification:

Beyond the Standard Model (BSM)"

11:00-11:20 Break

[Short Talks 1 (chair: Yuzuho Komori)]

11:20-12:50 Short Talks 1 (details as follows)

12:50-13:50 Lunch

[Gravity and Cosmology (chair: Hidenaga Watanabe)]

13:50-14:50 Tomoki Katayama (KEK)

"Introduction to General Relativity and Modified Gravity"



15:50-16:10 Break

[Short Talks 2 (chair: Haruki Takahashi)]

16:10-17:40 Short Talks 2 (details as follows)

17:40-18:40 Discussion

18:40-19:00 Break

[Student Gathering (Day 1)]

19:00-21:00 Student Gathering (details as follows)

San 17/12 (Day 2)

[Early Universe and Astronomy  (chair: Moka Nishigaki)]

09:00-10:00 Hidenaga Watanabe * (KEK)

"Basics of Big-Bang Cosmology and Inflation"

10:00-10:30 Mikage Kobayashi * (KEK)

"Theoretical Model of High Star Formation Rate Observed by JWST"

10:30-11:00 Takumi Kakimoto * (NAOJ)

"Spectroscopic observations of massive quiescent galaxies

in the early Universe"

11:00-11:20 Break

[Short Talks 3 (chair: Toya Suzuki)]

11:20-12:20 Short Talks 3 (details as follows)

12:20-13:20 Lunch

[Astrophysics (chair: Mikage Kobayashi)]

13:20-14:20 Shunsuke Sasaki (NAOJ)

"Basics of Stellar Evolution: Birth and Death of Stars"

14:20-15:20 Toya Suzuki (KEK/NAOJ)

"Basics of Black Hole and Gravitational Wave"

15:20-15:40 Break

[Short Talks 4 (chair: Rie Inumiya)]

15:40-16:40 Short Talks 4 (details as follows)

16:40-18:50 Discussion

18:50-19:00 Closing

[Student Gathering (Day 2)]

19:00-21:00 Student Gathering (details as follows)

Short Talks 1 (Day 1)

[Higher-dimensional Theory]

11:20-11:50 Hidemasa Nishimura * (Osaka Metropolitan U.)

"The strong CP problem and higher dimensional gauge theories"

11:50-12:05 Kota Takeuchi (Hiroshima U.)

"Classification of equivalence classes independent of the gauge transformation structure in higher-dimensional SU(N) gauge theories with S^1/Z_2 or T^2/Z_3_ orbifolds"

12:05-12:20 Akio Nago (Osaka Metropolitan U.)

"Electroweak Symmetry Breaking

in 2HDM from 6D Gauge-Higgs Unification"

12:20-12:35 Hiroki Imai (Osaka Metropolitan U.)

"Toward Realistic Models in an Orbifold Flux Compactification"

12:35-12:50 Ryosuke Suda * (Saitama U.)

"Model Building by Coset Space Dimensional Reduction Scheme

using Twelve-dimensional Coset Spaces"

Short Talks 3 (Day 2)

[Dark Matter (DM)]

11:20-12:05 Haruki Takahashi * (KEK)

"Implications of Gamma Ray Burst GRB221009A

for Extra Dimensions and Kaluza-Klein Axion"

12:05-12:20 Rie Inumiya (Ochanomizu U.)

"Two-component dark matter model with degenerate scalars"

Short Talks 2 (Day 1)

[Grand Unified Theory]

16:10-16:40 Ryujiro Nago (Osaka Metropolitan U.)

"Towards a Grand Gauge-Higgs Unification with Family Unification"

16:40-16:55 Shonosuke Takeshita * (Hiroshima U.)

"W boson mass and grand unification 

via the type-Ⅱ seesaw-like mechanism"

[Quark and Lepton Flavor]

16:55-17:10 Yukimura Izawa * (Hiroshima U.)

"S4 Lepton Flavor Model"

17:10-17:40 Satsuki Nishimura (Kyushu U.)

"Machine Learning for the Flavor Structures of Quarks and Leptons"

Short Talks 4 (Day 2)

[Muon Colliders]

15:40-16:25 Ryoto Takai (KEK)

"Muon Colliders"

16:25-16:40 Oki Kobayashi (Ochanomizu U.)

"Searching for signatures of 2HDM with Z4 symmetry at a Muon collider"

NOTE: Speakers whose name with * will give a talk in English.

Student Gathering (Day 1)

19:00-19:10 Opening (MC: Hidenaga Watanabe)

19:10-19:30 Ice Breaker 1

19:30-20:00 Chatting 1

20:00-20:05 Seat Change

20:05-20:25 Ice Breaker 2

20:25-20:55 Chatting 2

20:55-21:00 Closing

Student Gathering (Day 2)

19:00-19:10 Opening (MC: Mikage Kobayashi)

19:10-19:30 Ice Breaker 3

19:30-20:00 Chatting 3

20:00-20:05 Seat Change

20:05-20:25 Ice Breaker 4

20:25-20:55 Chatting 4

20:55-21:00 Closing

Organizers: Mikage Kobayashi (KEK), Moka Nishigaki (NAOJ), Shuhei Ohzawa (U. of Toyama) Haruki Takahashi (KEK), Hidenaga Watanabe (KEK)

Contact: kek-naoj2023-org[at]googlegroups.com (please replace [at] with @)