16-17 December 2023


Student Workshop 2023


Registration for this event is currently open. (Deadline: Dec. 15th, 2023)

Application for short talks is also open now. (Deadline: Dec. 8th, 2023)


The KEK-NAOJ Student Workshop will be held online between Dec 16th - 17th. This workshop covers many topics in Particle Physics, Cosmology, Astrophysics, and Astronomy. We plan to discuss the basics and recent developments in each research area. The workshop includes talks to understand the basics and short talks about recent developments. Some of the talks will be given in Japanese. We aim to provide an opportunity to learn the basics of unfamiliar research topics, to encourage discussions beyond the border, and to enjoy chatting with new friends you will make.


Speakers (tentative)

Yoshiyuki Iwazaki (U. of Toyama)

Takumi Kakimoto (NAOJ)

Tomoki Katayama (KEK)

Mikage Kobayashi (KEK)

Yuzuho Komori (Osaka Metropolitan U.)

Shunsuke Sasaki (NAOJ)

Toya Suzuki (KEK/NAOJ)

Yuuki Takenami (U. of Toyama)

Hidenaga Watanabe (KEK)

Hiroki Imai (Osaka Metropolitan U.)

Rie Inumiya (Ochanomizu U.)

Yukimura Izawa (Hiroshima U.)

Oki Kobayashi (Ochanomizu U.)

Akio Nago (Osaka Metropolitan U.)

Ryujiro Nago (Osaka Metropolitan U.)

Hidemasa Nishimura (Osaka Metropolitan U.)

Satsuki Nishimura (Kyushu U.)

Ryosuke Suda (Saitama U.)

Haruki Takahashi (KEK)

Ryoto Takai (KEK)

Shonosuke Takeshita (Hiroshima U.)

Kota Takeuchi (Hiroshima U.)

Organizers: Mikage Kobayashi (KEK), Moka Nishigaki (NAOJ), Shuhei Ohzawa (U. of Toyama) Haruki Takahashi (KEK), Hidenaga Watanabe (KEK)

Contact: kek-naoj2023-org[at]googlegroups.com (please replace [at] with @)