A Collection of Real-world Interactive System in 2022

2022 Collection

In the year 2022, students practiced developing and releasing mobile apps through this course.  This year, the course was held face-to-face, and the students participated in the demo sessions to try the apps. 

Sébastien Zhang, Morgan Leskerpit, Shiori Ueda

Midi File Performer

Tian Min, Raphaël Blard, El Messyeh Oussama

Timothé Rosaz, Jacky Liu, Isabella Grossart

Maria Sanchez Garbayo, Saad Ejaz, Eligia Alfio

Yuto Ueda, Yohei Kawasaki

Takumi Yamamoto, Naoto Takayanagi

Raffael Bolla Di Lorenzo, Alejandro Vicent Micó

Liam Nguyen Quang, Zhara Ali, Luis Martinez