Ray-Tracing, mmWave and THz Group


Our research group "Ray-Tracing, mmWave and THz Research Group" is associated with the State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety, the Key Laboratory of Railway Industry of Broadband Mobile Information Communication, and the Institute of Modern Communications, Beijing Jiaotong University, China. The group is under the leaderships of Prof. Zhangdui Zhong and Prof. Bo Ai.


  • Deep understanding of propagation and channel

  • Mature ray-tracing simulators flexible for various wireless communications in various realistic scenarios with various MIMO or massive MIMO arrays

  • Rich experience on channel measurement, simulation, and modeling

  • Integrated Sensing and Communication

Prospective Students

I am looking for highly motivated students with solid software, hardware and mathematics background, who are interested in radio channel measurement, ray-tracing simulation, channel modeling, network planning and network optimization. Interested students should submit their applications to "kguan@bjtu.edu.cn" with the topic [PhD/MS year] in the subject line.

Core Members

2 Full Professors, 1 Associate Professor, and 6 Ph.D. candidates

Team leaders

Zhangdui Zhong

Professor, IEEE Fellow

Communication Chief Scientist, State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety

Director, Key Laboratory of Railway Industry of Broadband Mobile Information Communication

Director, Institute of Modern Communications

Beijing Jiaotong University, China

Email: zhdzhong@bjtu.edu.cn

Bo Ai

Professor, IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow

Dean, School of Electronics and Information Engineering

Deputy Director, State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety

Beijing Jiaotong University, China

Email: boai@bjtu.edu.cn

Team members

Danping He

Associate Professor

Research interests: high-performance ray-tracing cloud simulation

Email: hedanping@bjtu.edu.cn

Dong Yan

PhD student (co-supervised with Prof. Zhangdui Zhong)

Research interests: Material EM database and propagation mechanisms

Haofan Yi

PhD student

Research interests: THz channel modeling

Jianqiao Cheng

PhD student (co-supervised with Prof. Francois Quitin)

Research interests: UAV channel modeling and networking

Lina Wu

PhD student (co-supervised with Prof. Bo Ai)

Research interests: AI empowered channel modeling

Zhuangzhuang Cui

PhD student (co-supervised with Prof. Zhangdui Zhong)

Research interests: A2A and A2G channel modeling

Luoyan Zhu

PhD student (co-supervised with Prof. Zhangdui Zhong)

Research interests: Channel estimation using massive MIMO and ray-tracing