🦄 District Created Technology Resources🦄

Clovis Unified School District

Technology Info for Students

This webpage is a GREAT place to send students and parents who need help resetting passwords, getting signed in for the first time on Clever or Google Classroom, and has a lot of how-to documents for them. I often copy and paste this link to send to parents. It would definitely be worth having posted on both your website and Google Classroom.

Technology Info for Staff

This is the technology page that houses SO many of the trainings and corresponding documents. There is QUITE the variety here, definitely worth checking out! This is my go-to if I am searching for something real-quick.

C&I Technology Website

Curriculum and Instruction has SO many amazing videos, how to documents and trainings. They are all under the Technology Tab on this C&I Google Site! There are GREAT Mini Zoom Videos, lots of help on Google Classroom and so much more!

C&I Trainings from Spring 2020

These are the Zoom Training Sessions that C&I did from March to May in Spring 2020 during Distance Learning.