Math with Mrs. Kealoha

Please use this page as a navigational tool for Math Course2. You will find links to Core Connections, Class Syllabus, Homework help and Class Calendar, and more.

Core Connections

Please use this link to access your Core Connections Math Textbook online. Students must use their SID and access provided to them in class.If you do not have online access at home, we do have books at school that can be borrowed. Please complete a book request form and have your student return it to class.


Please click on the link to access the class syllabus for Math Course2.

This link will provide some resources for our math units. Organized in each unit are parent guides, additional problems, videos and interactive websites. It is found that parent support at home leads to higher student achievement.

On this calendar you will find links to Assignments, answer sheets, quiz and test dates.

If you are absent you can download missing work to complete and turn in when you return to class.

Chapter 3- Arithmetic Properties (Order of Operation (3.1), Subtracting and Multiplication as Repeated Subtraction (3.2), Division with Rational Numbers (3.3)

Chapter 2- Fractions and Integer Addition

Visual approach to Multiplying Fractions

Multiplying Mixed Fractions with Area Model

Chapter 1- Percent, Decimal,Fraction Conversions