

M.S. Learning Sciences and Technologies - Worcester Polytechnic Institute- Anticipated 2021

Ph.D. Learning Sciences and Technologies - Worcester Polytechnic Institute - Anticipated 2024

B.S. Statistics - Arizona State University 2017

B.S. Psychology - Arizona State University 2017



MA 511 - Applied Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

SS 590 - ST: Writing Learning Sciences

SS 590 - ST: Causal Inference

ID 527 - Foundations of Scientific Teaching and Pedagogy

CS 480X - Data Visualization

PSY 501 - Research in Learning Sciences

CS 566 - Graphical Models for Reasoning Under Uncertainty

PSY 2410 - School Psychology (Teacher's Assistant)



STP 280 - Probability Statistics Research

STP 281 - Statistical Analysis for Researchers

STP 310 - Design/Analysis of Experiments

STP 311 - Regression & Time Series Analysis

STP 420 - Introductory Applied Statistics

STP 421 - Probability

STP 427 - Mathematical Statistics

STP 450 - Nonparametric Statistics

STP 451 - Quality Improvement

STP 460 - Categorical Data Analysis

MAT 343 - Applied Linear Algebra


PSY 315 - Personality Theory/Research

PSY 320 - Learning and Motivation

PSY 323 - Sensation and Perception

PSY 324 - Memory and Cognition

PSY 330 - Statistical Methods

PSY 341 - Developmental Psychology

PSY 350 - Social Psychology

PSY 462 - Health Psychology

PSY 360 - Cognitive Science

PSY 366 - Abnormal Psychology

PSY 394 - Special Topics: Intro to Applied Behavior Analysis

PSY 465 - Psychology of Stress & Coping


ACO 101 - Introduction to Computer Science ( Java 1)

ACO 102 - Object-Oriented Programming ( Java 2)


Statistics Capstone

STP 485 - Statistics Capstone

LSC 388 - Research for Natural Sciences: Environmental Microbiome Research

Research Assistantship

3 x PSY 399 - Supervised Research (Research Assistant)

3 x PSY 499 - Individualized Instruction (Research Assistant with Writing Component)

NOTE: These courses counted as working as a research assistant for the SoLET Lab, SAIL, and Dr. Stone's Norming Study.


HPS 322 - History of Science

REL 343 - Daoism

SOC 334 - Technology and Society

SOC 363 - Men and Masculinity

SOC 427 - Sociology of Health/Illness

NOTE: These are courses that I have TAKEN. These are NOT courses that I have taught.NOTE: This is a comprehensive list of courses that I have completed at ASU. There are a lot more community college courses that are not included in this listing.