Exhibit 10

Art Exhibit Poster: Larger Than Life


I love seeing posters for art exhibits, so I tried my hand at creating one for a fictional art museum. The goal was to have the words be too big for the space to make them seem crowded and much too large, hence the title "Larger Than Life." The warped effect pulls the viewers' eyes up as if looking at something looming over them and the transparent text adds further to the cramped, unstable aspect of the design by overlapping.


The difference in size provides contrast and further exaggerates the oversized text, while the color and font are repeated to connect the two dissimilar elements. Center alignment is used to command more attention by putting the design 'front and center.' The title is at the top and grabs attention whereas additional information is at the bottom, providing a visual hierarchy.

Photoshop Skills Used:

  • Text Tools

  • Warp Text

  • Smart Objects


Billboard Mockup from postermockup.com

Easel Mockup from psdmockups.com

Font: Carson