Katharine Hernandez

About me

My name is Katharine Hernandez . I am a senior studying Health Services Management in the Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health at Indianapolis-University Purdue-University Indianapolis and Non profit management in the O'Neal School of Public and Environmental Affairs. As a professional, I want to be a transformational leader, that takes initiative to find solutions to problems at all levels. I want to create a healthy work environment and organizational culture that encourages accountability, honesty, and trust with one another and its patients.

Why Health Serices Management?

Growing up I would go with my parents to every doctor's visit. I went as an interpreter and to make sure my parents were understood. When I turned 18 I became a medical interpeter and an finance assistant. With a 3 month old boy I started College and worked both of my jobs, I soon realized many things about healthcare I had never seen before; Behind the scenes. I went from a patient with asymettry of information to seeing both perspectives. I noticed the staffing shortages, insurance barriers, language barriers, and most importantly cultural barriers.

Seeing first hand what a health administrator could do to help a patient motivated me. I wanted to learn more about how we deliver care to Americans and why we do it that way and how we can do it better. As a senior now I look back on my journey and I am beyond grateful that I learned just that.