I am an 

Advanced Practice Nurse. 

APRNs are nurses who have met advanced educational and clinical practice requirements, and often provide services in community-based settings. APRNs' services range from primary and preventive care to mental health to birthing to anesthesia. (www.nursingworld.org)

I am a 

primary healthcare provider.

Nurse practitioners (NPs) are licensed, independent practitioners who practice autonomously and in coordination with health care professionals and other individuals. They provide primary and specialty care in a variety of ambulatory, acute and long-term care settings. NPs are registered nurses with specialized, advanced education and clinical practice competency to provide health care for diverse populations. Master’s, post-master’s or doctoral preparation and national board certification are required for entry-level practice. (www.aanp.org)

I am 

a nursing scholar

healthcare expert.

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) programs prepare nurse leaders at the highest level of nursing practice to improve patient outcomes and translate research into practice. (www.aacnnursing.org)