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Just my thoughts...I pray that you're encouraged!







Credit @kobebryant Instagram

What Will You Do During the Dash?

On Sunday January 26, 2020, I was on Twitter and ran across Kobe Bryant's name trending. I was confused; so I just brushed it off because I thought... maybe He said something interesting about Lebron James. So, I googled his name....and there... blasted in my face was "KOBE BRYANT DEAD" and I was confused!

I thought for sure it was some bogus rumor. I started reading more and more and realized that it wasn't a rumor. Credible news stations were actually saying that it was true. I was shocked! I'm actually out of town on vacation but I'm a Los Angeles native. I lived in Los Angeles for over 22 years. I travel a lot but I'm still a California resident. I immediately texted my mother and asked her to confirm. She replied with one word..."Yes".(Side Note: My mother doesn't live that far from the Staples Center.)

Wow. Kobe Bryant dead? I just don't understand it! I cried my eyes out and the story just kept getting worse. First I heard about Kobe; then 4 people died on the helicopter; then 5 people died; then his daughter Gigi died too; then there were a total of 9 people. Jesus Christ! I was on a roller coaster ride full of emotion.

I felt so bad for Vanessa Bryant and all of the other families. I asked God why? Why did it happen? Why did Kobe have to go so soon? And what about the children who had their entire lives ahead of them? Or their parents? Or the pilot? I didn't blame God...I just don't understand. I know it's not His fault. It was merely a terrible accident.

Kobe Bryant is my favorite basketball player and He has been for 20 years. I was fresh out of high school during the days of the Los Angeles Lakers 3-peat. At that time, I lived in Inglewood, CA; so my entire neighborhood was celebrating. "Our Los Angeles Lakers did it again!", we cheered.

Fast forward to now....it made me think. So many of us are just living our daily lives. But what do YOU want to do during the dash? You see... the dash for Kobe is between August 23, 1978 – January 26, 2020. Kobe accomplished a LOT during his 41 years of life. He has positively impacted lives around the world.

So I encourage you today...to think about what you're going to do during the dash? What are you going to accomplish during the dash? Who are you going to love, encourage and empower during the dash? God has a purpose and a plan for all of of us. Remember..Only what we do for Christ will last (I Corinthians 15:58). Be encouraged!





GOD has equipped you with everything you need!

Have you ever felt like you were not good enough to do the tasks God has assigned to you? C'mon....be honest? :-)

Trust me; I know the feeling all too well. God has assigned me to some things before that I KNOW that I could NOT do in my natural strength. LOL. The funny thing is...He has a habit of doing that.

Oftentimes, we think we're unqualified to do the task. We make up every reason or excuse why we are not the person to do the job/task. But God knows way more than we will ever know. Remember, He uses the foolish things to confound the wise (I Corinthians 1:27).

See...He knows our potential because He put it in us. God knows exactly what we're capable of doing. Remember, Gideon had that same problem. When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon and called him a "mighty man of valour"; Gideon couldn't believe it! LOL

He started talking about his family history and how he was the least of all of his relatives. Let me tell you something; God does not care about any of that. He has equipped you with all you need to succeed.

All you have to do is obey God and do what He told you to do. Trust me; He's going to make sure you come out victorious every time. I am a living witness! NOW...I have no doubt! I NOW know from experience and my faith in God that I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus and YOU are too! Friend....you are equipped! <3



Supernatural & Miraculous!

Find out how to access the supernatural for heavenly manifestations from God!

$15,000 Grant!

When I went to college for my Bachelors Degree in Business Administration (BBA); God blessed me with a $15,000 GRANT (do not have to pay it back)! Praise God!

Let God be True...

God actually assigned me to write this book for His glory, honor & praise! It's exciting! It's an honor and a privilege to be used by Him.

Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

Today was absolutely amazing! What a blessing! And I give God ALL the glory, honor and the praise! He is worthy to be praised (Psalm 113)! For 2020, I've decided to get out of my comfort zone. I've been working remotely on and off for about 7-8 years now and I must admit that sometimes it can get lonely.

Now, there's absolutely nothing wrong with working from home; or having some alone time; or just meditating in God's Word; or just relaxing. Totally fine! But it's also a blessing to connect with others. So, I decided to get out there to connect with others within the community, and be a blessing to other people.

I went to an event today created by Torin Brazzle, Director of the @IgniteAlabama (on Instagram) organization & movement. It was simply amazing! I can not say enough good things about it. It was the 'Contract Opportunities for Minority Women Business Owners' event. I learned so much information about procurement opportunities, contracts and bids, small business health insurance benefits, and overall financial options for small business owners that I simply did not know were available; specifically for minority women business owners.

I got a chance to meet so many amazing women with different businesses in different industries as well. I was so glad that I went to the event. It's totally out of my comfort zone! Trust me, I do go to events but they're specifically industry related.

I encourage you to get out of your comfort zone and take a leap of faith! You never know what's out there waiting for you. God has a special way of connecting you with the right people. <3


Are You Willing?

Isaiah 1:19-20 (KJV) If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land.

Are you a parent? If so, have you ever had a situation where your child really needed help, but had too much pride to just ask? You know the drill. They struggled, tried this and tried that, asked everyone else for help...except their own parent.

And as a parent, it makes us feel a certain type of way. I mean think about it. Your own child won't even acknowledge you. They won't even take into consideration how you feel. I mean for God sake! Aren't you their mother/father? Hmm....interesting isn't it?

How do you think God (Our Father) feels? When He sees us struggling; time and time again; trying to do it on our own; asking everyone else for help; going down the wrong path; wavering to the left and to the right...getting NO results.

The Bible says that we are to Trust in the Lord with all our heart and acknowledge Him in all our ways and He will direct our path (Proverbs 3:5-6). It even says that God will perfect those things that concerns us (Psalm 138:8). Friend, He cares about you. He cares about your well-being. He wants you to make the right decisions the first time. That's why it's so important that we honor God and seek Him first concerning every decision we make.

Trust me, it'll save a lot of wasted time going round and round in circles. Are you willing? Willing to...let go and let God. Willing to...stop wavering to the left and to the right...But stay on the straight and narrow path. The Lord Jesus Christ even goes before us to make crooked paths straight and we have the Holy Ghost which leads and guides us into all truth. Friend...We can't go wrong with God (John 16:13)!



Photo via @AmyTreasure

God's Peace During Crisis

Isaiah 26:3 (KJV)

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

Wow....Thank you Lord. I'm sure you already know what's going on around the world. I mean...how can you not know when it's on every news show, published in every newspaper, on every social media network, and mostly everyone is talking about it. Yep...that's right. IT is the coronavirus.

I'm sure you know all about the coronavirus by now. So, I won't talk about that. I'd rather focus on THE ONE who can actually do something about it. My friends...that is Jesus Christ. There is not a sickness and disease known to man that the Lord Jesus Christ can not or will not heal us from! Because He has already healed us by His stripes. There's a qualification though...you must believe.

God is the same, yesterday, today, and forever! He never changes and I'd rather believe Him / His Word any day over any man or woman. It takes this radical kind of faith to stay in peace during times of crisis. I'm not downplaying the situation. Absolutely not! But I will continue to minister and preach faith over fear!

Yes, I'm following health & government official's precautions about social distancing, washing my hands, using hand sanitizer, using cleaning products, doing fist bumps, elbow bumps etc...BUT GOD. I must say it was quite weird going to church service and sitting 6ft distance away from others. It's okay either way. The Holy Spirit still moved regardless.

We must keep our minds on the Lord at this time and stay in perfect peace. He is our only help. He is our only hope. Let's focus on THE ONE who has the solution to the problem. Peace & Blessings!