
Elli Kartsakli

Telecommunications Research Engineer

PhD in Wireless Telecommunications

  • Dec. 2019 - Now: Senior Researcher at Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS)

In December 2019, I joined BSC as a Ramon y Cajal Senior researcher. I am part of the Computer Sciences - Predictable Parallel Computing group, working on scheduling policies and distributed architectures for edge computing environments.

  • Dec. 2015 - Nov. 2019: Senior Researcher at IQUADRAT S.L.

For four years, I have been part of the IQUADRAT R&D team as a senior researcher, participating in the preparation and execution of several research projects in the context of protocols and architectures for 5G networks and beyond.

  • March 2013 - Nov. 2015: Marie Curie Post-Doctoral researcher in IAPP-WSN4QoL

As a post-doctoral UPC researcher, I participated in the WSN4QoL project, focusing on the analysis, design, and experimentation of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and their application to pervasive healthcare. In this context, I collaborated with a team of experts from industry and academia to develop a set of Network Coding (NC) based MAC solutions, exploiting cloud capabilities to meet the high performance and reliability requirements of mHealth applications.

  • Sep. 2010 - Feb. 2013: Research Engineer at UPC

As a researcher engineer and member of the WiComTec group at UPC, I participated in National (Spanish) and European research projects, including AVECOM (on the design and implementation of flexible low-cost communication solutions for high-speed train-to-track communications) and Greenet (a training network on energy efficient wireless network design).

  • Sep. 2005 - Aug. 2009: PhD Fellow Researcher, UPC

As a graduate researcher at UPC with a 4-year fellowship contract, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, I conducted the major part of my research towards the accomplishment of my PhD. Specifically, I focused on the design, analysis and evaluation of Medium Access Protocols for wireless networks, employing a cross-layer approach. I also worked as a teaching assistant for the course "Digital Transmission Systems" during two semesters.

  • June - July 2005: Java Programmer at SeMarket S.A., Barcelona