
  • Pizo, M. A., Mokross, K., Aleixo, A., Machado Santos, C.G. (in prep). Mixed-species flocks in the southeastern Atlantic forest: a study case from Intervales State Park.
  • Mokross, K., Potts, J., Rutt.C., Stouffer, P.C. 2018. What can Mixed-species Flocks tell us about the conservation value of secondary forests? Insights from spatial behavior. Biotropica. 50(4):664-673.
  • MOKROSS, K., RYDER, T. B., CORTES, M. C., WOLFE, J. D., STOUFFER, P. C. 2014. Decay of interspecific avian flock networks along a disturbance gradient in Amazonia. Proceedings - Royal Society. Biological Sciences (Print). , v.281, p.20132599 - 20132599.
  • POTTS, JONATHAN R., AUGER-MÉTHÉ, MARIE, MOKROSS, KARL, LEWIS, MARK A. 2014. A generalized residual technique for analysing complex movement models using earth mover's distance. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. , v.5, p.1012 - 1022 .
  • POTTS, J., MOKROSS, K., LEWIS, M. 2014. A unifying framework for quantifying the nature of animal interactions. Journal of The Royal Society Interface. , v.11, p.20140333 .
  • RODRIGUES, D. J., MENIN, M., LIMA, A. P., MOKROSS, K. S. 2008. Tadpole and vocalizations of Chiasmocleis hudsoni (Anura, Microhylidae) in Central Amazonia, Brazil. Zootaxa (Auckland. Print). , v.14, p.55 - 58.
  • POTTS, JONATHAN R., MOKROSS, KARL, STOUFFER, PHILIP C., LEWIS, MARK A. Step selection techniques uncover the environmental predictors of space use patterns in flocks of Amazonian birds. Ecology and Evolution. , 2014.

My Researchgate profile:

My Lattes curriculum:

Courses I teach

Graduate courses

  • Introduction to network theory for ecologists (Dec. 2016 with Renata Muylaert and Carine Emer, Mathias Pires)
  • Application of behavioral studies to conservation and management (Aug. 2015, Aug. 2016, Aug. 2017)
  • Movement ecology (Sept. 2015 with Milton Ribeiro, Alex Jahn, Marcus Vieira and Luiz Gustavo Oliveira-Filho, Sept. 2016)
  • Introduction to the R package Adehabitat (Oct. 2014)

Undergraduate courses

  • Community Ecology ( Jul-Dec. 2014)


2014 PhD: Wildlife Management - Louisiana State University (LSU)

2004 MSc: Ecologia - Instituto Nacional de PEsquisas da Amazônia (INPA)

2001 BSc: Ciências Biológicas - Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar)


I am a visual thinker, so my ideas are usually in the form of images. I have drawn and painted pretty much my whole life, so I employ this skillset to my work whenever I can. During early stages of my career, I also did freelance work on books, posters, and logos.

Here is a compilation :

Below are a few I have done over the years:

Peixes Comerciais de Manaus (2006)

Edited by Geraldo Santos, Jansen Zuanon and Efraim Ferreira.

Illustrated by José Myrria and Karl Mokross.

Peixes do Mercado de Manaus (2004)

Extinção é para sempre (2003)

By Tatiane Camolez, Luiz Eduardo Anelli.

Illustrated by Karl Mokross

Ed. Oficina de Textos, São Paulo