Karl Mokross

Ecological research

Hey there. I´m not doing research anymore. This website is going to remain as a repository.

Contact:  kmkross_at_gmail.com

My Researchgate profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Karl_Mokross

My Lattes curriculum: http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4762791P8

Here is a list of my research interests:

This is the general topic to much of the research I am currently developing.  I am interested in how birds interact with their habitat and with each other.  My study areas are currently in the central Amazon and in the Atlantic Forest.  

This is a topic I have been dedicating my attention for some time. Birds tend to aggregate in flocks, but also in less conspicuous associations for which data is rarely collected.  In tropical forests it is a poorly known aspect despite having possible effects on the demography of some species. In order to more efficiently describe and measure these associations and the role any particular species plays in them, I have been using graph theory (or network theory). 

I am interested in how general movement behavior interacts with habitat features and the techniques involved in data collection . Since movement strongly relates to gregarious behavior, I am also interested in how this translates into animal movement data.  

This is a backdrop to some of the research. More specifically, I am interested in application of behavioral studies to  conservation. Forest fragmentation and heterogeneous landscapes are also frequent topics. I also dwell on the idea of large reserves for water resource maintenance in Brazil.