


Brooklyn, NY 11209

(123) 456-7890


To participate in after-school programs, volunteer, or summer internship that explores the field of forensic science.


The Urban Assembly of New York Harbor, New York, NY

  • Currently in 11th Grade, 3.3 GPA

  • Coursework includes Marine Biology


  • Project Management Skills- Project formation

  • Lab and Field Technician Skills- Recirculation Aquaculture Systems

  • Physical- Chemical Analysis Skills- Monitoring nutrients, pH, Do

  • Independent Research Skills- Report writing, Research Plan, Literature review

  • Information Technology Skills- Microsoft Office Suite

Volunteer Experience

Oyster Classic 5K: June 2019

  • I participated to help runners by giving out water to them or holding signs to guide through the marathon.

Community Service

Our Lady of Perpetual Help: December 2018, March-May 2019

  • One to two hours every Saturday, cleaning the church for a total of 48 hours.

Athletic and Academic Activities

Rugby: Outside of School

  • Willing to put my hard work, time and devotion into the team.

  • Motivated and willing to put time into practice.

Language: English, Spanish,

  • Fluent in English and Spanish, I can read, write, and speak both language

Microsoft Word Document of Resume