The goal of our research is to expand the fundamental understanding of self-assembly in biological systems and design novel materials to make impactful contributions to bioengineering applications. To do this, we develop and apply novel multiscale computational models that are anchored in all-atom molecular dynamics simulations, coarse-graining techniques, theory, and experiments from collaborators. 

At the moment, we have the following four general research directions:

Biomolecular condensates and chromatin organization

In this thrust area, we focus on Mechanistic Insights for:

Biomolecular condensates and their link to age-related diseases

In this thrust area, we focus on Material Properties for:

Supramolecular Engineering: Synthetic condensates with programmable material properties

In this thrust area, we focus on Materials Design for:

Multiscale models and simulation approaches

In this thrust area, we focus on Method development for: