- Carbon Neutralized 6G Networks
Erasmus + LMI [127K Euros] (Principle Investigator) Expected to Start in Nov 2023
Investigating various aspects of Carbon Neutralized 6G Networks
- Behavioral Next Generation in Wireless Networks for Cyber Security (BEiNG-WISE)
COST Action CA22104, (Working Group Member) September 2023
The focus of BEiNG-WISE will be on how different human-being features can be combined with the advanced technological characteristics, in order to conceive non-conventional, responsible by design, cyber-security solutions accounting for both these factors.
- Physical layer security for trustworthy and resilient 6G systems (6G-PHYSEC)
COST Action CA22168 , (Working Group Member) September 2023
This action focuses on the development of trustworthy and resilient 6G that can instill trust, secure communications and privacy by proposing novel physical layer security (PLS) solutions.
- ICT AppliCaTIons for Sustainable enVironmental protection [ACTIVE]
Erasmus + CBHE [700K Euros] (Principle Investigator) Feb 2022 – Present
Investigating ICT AppliCaTIons for Sustainable enVironmental protection [ACTIVE]
- Virtual Innovative Learning Laboratories for Global Engineering Education (VILLAGE)
Horizon Europe, MSCA Staff Exchanges [837K] (Principle Investigator) April 2022 -Present
• Investigating Virtual Innovative Learning Laboratories for Global Engineering Education (VILLAGE)
Senior Researcher [Full-Time] Jan 2021 – Dec 2021 Nimbus Research Centre, Munster Technological University, Cork, Ireland
Investigating the application of DLT and Smart Contracts to support the automation of quality control and product release processes in the manufacturing sector.
Inspecting the role of DLT to reinforcing existing data integrity strategies to improve traceability and data collection procedures.
- 5G Slice Broker Based on Blockchain
[Dec 2019-Present] Post-doc Research Fellow , CONNECT Center, Trinity College Dublin.
Working on an Science Foundation Ireland (ENABLE) funded project which is in the area of 5G and DLT. Specifically, the project aims to develop a "5G Slice Broker" which will allow for the dynamic allocation of spectrum as and when required by customers. In addition, the project aims to develop a data off-load capability that will allow a 5G operator to off-load its subscribers to a third-party WiFi network and pay the WiFi operator for the data usage. In both cases, we will make use of distribute ledger technology (DLT) to log and reconcile the data usage on third-party networks.
- 5G Networks and Beyond
Erasmus + International Credit Mobility, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Worked on a project proposal for a joint collaboration of Italy with Pakistan and India under Erasmus + credit mobility program 2018, 2019 for four separate projects. All four projects are funded, students (16) and faculty members (8) from the Italy will travel to Pakistan and India for study/research at master, Ph.D., and staff level. The master and PhDs are working under my co-supervision.
Three new projects (2020-21) are also accepted under Erasmus + call 2020.
- Optimization of RF Link Budget for Pakistan Terrain Project Lead
[09/2013-02/2014] Project Lead, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology (MUET), Jmashoro, Pakistan
Designed a Simulation based project which aims to achieve path-loss for designing optimized path considering terrain profile, determine factors like Multi-path propagation, reflection, refraction and diffraction to formulate an optimized Radio Frequency Link Budget and to present a comparative analysis of different radio frequency ranges within spectrum of 30MHz to 100GHz.
- Wireless Patient Monitoring System
[06/2010-01/2011] Project Lead, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology (MUET), Jmashoro, Pakistan
Designed a Prototype Hardware Based Wireless Patient Monitoring System (WPMS) which is Capable of Monitoring Three Parameters of Telemedicine i.e. Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate and heart rate.