Recent News
[Jan 2025 ] Open to collaborations, write me at
Award News [Jan 2025]: I am deeply humbled to have received the outstanding service Award for IEEE CTSoc CCN TC 2024
Award News [Nov 2024]: I am deeply humbled to have received the Academic, Technology, and Business Award at the Irish Pakistani Professionals Association (IPPA) Annual Event 2024.
Award News [Sep 2024]Listed in Top 2% of scientists in the world
Award News [April 2024]: I'm excited to share that my research paper, "ZETA: ZEro-Trust Attack Framework with Split Learning for Autonomous Vehicles in 6G Networks" awarded the Best workshop Paper Award at the prestigious IEEE WCNC 2024 conference!
Global News! [Feb 2024] Thrilled to share that I've been selected as a member of the Global Young Academy (GYA)! The GYA is an incredibly competitive organization, with only a select few (45 members only) chosen each year from a pool of brilliant young researchers/scientist worldwide from all fields.
Project News! [November 2023] Glad to share that I have joined COST ACTION titled Behavioral Next Generation in Wireless Networks for Cyber Security (BEiNG-WISE) as Working Group Member.
Project News! [November 2023] Glad to share that I have joined COST ACTION titled Physical layer security for trustworthy and resilient 6G systems (6G-PHYSEC) as Working Group Member.
Awesome News! [August 2023] Honored to receive The Tom Brazil Excellence in Research Award from SFI Funded CONNECT Research centre.
Hot News! [August 2023] I'm excited to share one of our project under EU Funding with University of Johannesburg, South Africa on "Carbon Neutralized 6G" is accepted!
Great News! [August 2023] I’m honoured to deliver an invited talk on “Unlocking the Future: Exploring the Enchanting Possibilities of 6G" under IEEE ComSoc Distinguish Speaker Program at MUET, Jamshoro, Pakistan.
August [2023] Serving as main track/Symposium Chair for "Symposiums on Spectrum Management in Future Networks” in conjunction with 2023 IEEE Future Networks World Forum. Deadline: 8 September 2023, [Submissions are Open]
August [2023] Serving as main track/Symposium Chair for "Public Safety in Communication and Networking" in conjunction with the The 2024 IEEE World Forum on Public Safety Technology (WF-PST).. Deadline: 23 October 2023 [Submissions are Open]
August [2023] Serving as main track/Symposium Chair for "Consumer Communications Networks and Connectivity (CCN)" in conjunction with the 42nd IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE 2024). Deadline: Aug. 15 2023 [Submissions are Open]
August [2023] "Call for Workshop Proposals" We invite you to submit workshop proposals for: The 2024 IEEE World Forum on Public Safety Technology (WF-PST). Deadline: 11 September 2023. [Submissions are Open]
August [2023] Serving as main track/Symposium Chair for "Wireless Networks" track in conjunction with "The 26th International Symposium On Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications"
[June 2023] Finally presented my paper in IEEE ICC 2023, It was great experience attending IEEE ComSoc Flagship conference!
[April 2023] Glad to share the article on my research activities published by the Silicon Republic in Science Uncovered series.
[March 2023] I’m happy to share that I’m starting a new position as SFI CONNECT Funded Investigator at Science Foundation Ireland!
[March 2023] We running a Collection on "Technologies for beyond 5G networking" within Nature Scientific Reports. Deadline: 24 November 2023
[Dec 2022] I’m delighted to share that I have been awarded the 2022 IEEE Communication Society Outstanding Young Researcher Award for Europe, Middle-East, and Africa (EMEA) Region.
[Dec 2022] I’m honored to receive 2022 Irish Research Council Research Ally Prize.
[October 2022] I'm delighted to share that our proposal under Erasmus + Capacity Building for Higher Education is accepted for funding of 700K Euros!
[September 2022] Great News!! I'm glad to share that our proposal under Horizon Europe for MSCA Staff Exchange is accepted for funding of 837K Euros!
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Phone: +353838688451
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About Me
Kapal Dev is currently serving as Assistant Lecturer at Department of Computer Science, Munster Technological University (MTU), Ireland and formerly he was senior researcher at the same University. Previously, he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the CONNECT Centre, School of Computer Science and Statistics, Trinity College Dublin (TCD). He worked as 5G Junior Consultant and Engineer at Altran Italia S.p.A, Milan, Italy on 5G use cases. He worked for OCEANS Network as Head of Projects funded by the European Commission. He was awarded the PhD degree by Politecnico di Milano, Italy in 2019 under the prestigious fellowship of Erasmus Mundus funded by the European Commission. He is recently award as IEEE ComSoc EMEA Outstanding Young Researcher 2022 for promising research activities for the benefit of the Society. He received The Tom Brazil Excellence in Research Award 2023 from SFI Funded CONNECT Research centre. He received 2022 Irish Research Council Research Ally Prize for his mentoring/supervison services. He is among the top 45 researchers/scientist selected as a member of the Global Young Academy (GYA) 2024 in the world. He received Best workshop Paper award at the prestigious IEEE WCNC 2024 conference! He has also received IEEE ComSoc excellent reviewer award from IEEE TNSE journal in 2022. He recently delivered invited talk on “Unlocking the Future: Exploring the Enchanting Possibilities of 6G" under IEEE ComSoc Distinguish Speaker Program at MUET, Jamshoro, Pakistan.
He is very active in leading successful projects as Principal Investigator under Horizon Europe MSCA Staff exchange, Erasmus + International Credit Mobility (ICM), Capacity Building for Higher Education, and H2020 CO-FUND projects and won over 1.2 million Euros funding in total. He is serving as Funded Investigator (FI) at one of top European research centres-- CONNECT, Trinity College Dublin (TCD) funded by Science Foundation.
Recently, he is working towards the standardisation; He is active working group member of P1954: Standard for Self-Organizing Spectrum-Agile Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Communications. Also, he has submitted internet draft on Operations and Control Networks (OCN) Use Cases for Industry control Networks in Internet Engineering Task Force-A Standardization Organization. He is founding chair of IEEE ComSoc special interest group titled as “Industrial Communication Networks” under CSIM technical committee.
He is serving as Associate Editor in IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, NATURE, Scientific Reports, Springer Wireless Networks, IET Quantum Communication, IET Networks, Springer Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences, Area Editor in Elsevier Physical Communication, Technical Committee Member in Elsevier COMCOM, Board member of IEEE Future Directions Newsletter: Technology, Policy and Ethics, and Review Editor in Frontiers in Communications and Networks. He performed duties as Guest Editor (GE) in several Q1 journals, IEEE Network, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, IEEE Standard Communication Magazine, Elsevier Computer Communication, Elsevier Computer Networks, and Computers and Electrical Engineering. He served(ing) as Lead workshop chair in one of ACM Mobicom 2022, IEEE Globecom 2022, IEEE Blockchain 2022, IEEE ICDCS 2022, IEEE CCNC 2021, IEEE Globecom 2021, IEEE PIMRC 2021 and ACM MobiCom 2021 workshops. He is a TPC member of IEEE Smart Cities 2022, IEEE BlackSeaCom 2022, IEEE Globecom2022, IEEE ICC 2021, IEEE ICBC 2021, IEEE VTC2021.
His research interests include Wireless Communication Networks, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence targeting applications majorly towards industry 4.0/5.0 and supervised more than 22 students at masters and PhD level in the same areas.
He has published over 80 plus research papers majorly in top IEEE Transactions, Magazines, and Conferences. He is an expert external evaluator of most prestigious European Research Council (ERC) starting grant, several MSCA Co-Fund schemes, Elsevier, IET, Springer Book proposals and top scientific journals and conferences. He is a Senior member of the IEEE, and professional member of ACM.
Awards & Honors
Recipient of Erasmus Mundus INTACT scholarship for full time PhD studies.
Delegate in Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations at Harvard University.
Awarded Young Global Change Maker to attend Global Solution Summit 2018 held in Germany.
Awarded Merit scholarship for full master's study
Best Thesis recipient during Bachelor's study