Instagram Clone


Instagram is a popular social media platform primarily focused on photo and video sharing. The attempt is to create something that not only replicates the core functionalities of the original platform but also introduces enhancements in user engagement, accessibility. 

The app emphasizes visual aesthetics, replicates the seamless user experience of the original platform while addressing evolving user expectations and incorporating innovative features, ensuring a balance between familiarity and differentiation. Aiming to provide a modern and captivating social media experience for diverse user demographics. 

Key Points

User Persona

Problem Statement

Goal Statement

Paper Wireframe

High Fidelity Prototype 

Process & Strategies 

The UI/UX journey in developing an Instagram clone begins with User Personas to understand target demographics and expectations that users desired for in the app. Creating Problem Statement and Goal statements to understand user point of view more. A Paper Wireframe comes in handy while developing such a complex application demonstrating the major options which might be required while creating a high fidelity prototype. A High Fidelity Prototyping follow, emphasizing intuitive navigation and a clean design to enhance usability. The final UI incorporates a cohesive color scheme and typography for a professional look. 

1.  User Persona

The general user persona for an Instagram clone design is a tech-savvy individual. They prioritize visually appealing content, seamless navigation, and features for easy social connection within the platform. But the real challenge comes with the people who are still not fond of such platforms. Major things that they need in an application needs to grasp the attention which is easy while creating a user persona.

2.  Problem Statement

A problem statement in the context of a social media app is a concise and clear articulation of the specific issue or challenge that the app aims to address. It defines the gap between the current state and the desired state of the application. Crafting a well-defined problem statement is very crucial.

3.  Goal Statement

A goal statement in the context of a social media app is a clear and concise expression of the desired outcome or purpose that the app aims to achieve for its users. It serves as a guiding principle for the development and design of the app.

4.  Paper Wireframe

The paper wireframe outlines a typical Instagram clone design in a free hand design form featuring the main functionality and the additional functions in the most easiest block diagram form a header with logo and user icons, a main feed displaying posts with like/comment options, a navigation bar for Home, Explore, Notifications, and User Profile, and a user profile page with follower details and posted images. The bottom navigation includes icons for key functionalities.

5.  High Fidelity Prototype

A high-fidelity prototype plays a vital role in the design and development of an app by providing a realistic, interactive, and user-tested representation of the final product. It contributes to improved user experiences, effective communication, and the mitigation of potential risks during the development process. Click on the image to see the Figma prototype.