Finance App


Money is a Finance App which is an attempt to digitalize the world with an app designed to be user-friendly for budgeting, and managing money. The financial app is designed for seamless money management.

A user friendly interface with an easy flow between different pages. Money is an App that provide your expenses in a tabular form for easy understanding. With intuitive interfaces, it empowers users to track expenses. An easy to signup and login interface. Real-time transaction updates provide clarity on spending patterns, while customizable budget categories offer tailored financial insights. Overall, the app simplifies financial complexities, making it an essential companion for users seeking financial stability.

Key Points

Empathy Map

User Journey Map

User Flow

Story Board

High Fidelity Prototype 

Process & Strategies 

The UI/UX journey in developing a finance app begins with comprehensive user research to understand target demographics and financial behaviors. Creating an Empathy Map, User Journey Map and User Flow to understand user point of view more. A User Flow is an important step in the journey as it specifies how the user moves from one screen to other. A High Fidelity Prototyping follow, emphasizing intuitive navigation and a clean design to enhance usability. The final UI incorporates a cohesive color scheme and typography for a professional look. 

1.  Empathy Map

An empathy map in UI/UX is a visual tool used to understand and empathize with users by capturing their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. In the context of a finance app, creating an empathy map involved considering the emotional and practical aspects of users' financial experiences. It helps me get user motivations, pain points, and aspirations.

Empathy map of a middle age women

Empathy map of a youngster new in field

2.  User Journey Map

A user journey map is a visual representation of the user's interactions and experiences with a product or service over time. A user journey map outlines the various stages a user goes through, from initial awareness and onboarding to ongoing usage and potential support interactions.

User journey maps helps to empathize with users, understand pain points, and optimize the app's design and functionality to create a positive and seamless experience throughout the user's financial journey.

3User Flow

A user flow is a series of steps or actions that a user takes to accomplish a specific task or goal within the mobile app. It maps out the path a user follows, from the initial interaction with the product to the completion of their objective. User flows provide a visual representation of the user's navigation through the interface. 


A Storyboarding is an essential tool in the design process of a finance app, providing a visual narrative that aids in understanding, refining, and communicating the user experience. It helps ensure that the app not only meets functional requirements but also delivers an engaging and user-friendly interface for managing financial activities. 

5.  High Fidelity Prototype

A high-fidelity prototype plays a vital role in the design and development of a finance app by providing a realistic, interactive, and user-tested representation of the final product. It contributes to improved user experiences, effective communication, and the mitigation of potential risks during the development process. Click on the image to see the Figma prototype.