Published and forthcoming papers:

Cygan-Rehm, K., and Karbownik, K. (2022). The effects of incentivizing early prenatal care on infant health. Journal of Health Economics, 83, 102612. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhealeco.2022.102612.

Cygan-Rehm K. (2022). Are there no wage returns to compulsory schooling in Germany? A reassessment. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 37(1), 218-223. DOI: 10.1002/jae.2854. Online Appendix and replication material.

Collischon M., Cygan-Rehm K., and Riphahn, R. T. (2021). Employment effects of payroll tax subsidies. Small Business Economics, 57(3), 1201-1219

Cygan-Rehm K., Kuehnle, D., and Riphahn, R. T. (2018).  Paid parental leave and families’ living arrangements. Labour Economics, 53, 182-197.

Cygan-Rehm K. and Wunder, Ch.  (2018).  Do working hours affect health?  Evidence from statutory workweek regulations in Germany. Labour Economics, 53, 162-171.

Cygan-Rehm K. (2018).  Estimating the effect of early-childhood citizenship on education using policy changes as instruments. Applied Economics Letters, 25(20), 1426-1431.

Cygan-Rehm K., Kuehnle, D., and Oberfichtner, M. (2017).  Bounding the causal effect of unemployment on mental health−nonparametric evidence from four countries. Health Economics, 26(12), 1844-1861.

Cygan-Rehm, K. (2016).  Parental leave benefit and differential fertility responses: Evidence from a German reform. Journal of Population Economics, 29(1), 73-103.

Cygan-Rehm, K. (2014). Immigrant fertility in Germany: the role of culture. Schmollers Jahrbuch - Journal of Applied Science Studies, 134(3), 305-340.

Cygan-Rehm, K., and Riphahn, R. T. (2014).  Teenage pregnancies and births in Germany:  patterns and developments. Applied Economics, 46(28), 3503-3522.

Cygan-Rehm, K. (2014).  Wirkungen des Elterngeldes auf die Fertilität−Zum Stand der Kenntnis. Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 83 (1), 145-162 (in German).

Cygan-Rehm, K., and Maeder, M. (2013).  The effect of education on fertility:  evidence from a compulsory schooling reform. Labour Economics, 25, 35-48.

Discussion papers:

Lifetime consequences of lost instructional time in the classroom: Evidence from shortened school years (CESifo Working Paper No. 9892)

Long-run effects of wage subsidies on maternal labor market outcomes (with Matthias Collischon and Regina T. Riphahn, LASER WP No. 378)

Is additional schooling worthless? Revising the zero returns to compulsory schooling in Germany (CESifo Working Paper No. 7191)