Research Photos

Placing an accelerometer on a largemouth bass after it was caught in a youth tournament

Largemouth bass being released for monitoring after a youth tournament

Tag validation for largemouth bass accelerometry

Posing with a largemouth bass after its post-release monitoring period

Paddlefish with sweat band identifying individuals for hatchery spawning

Paddlefish milt under the microscope

Paddlefish with gill rakers on display 

Paddlefish after accelerometer tag validation at Tishomingo National Fish Hatchery

Attempting to encourage fish towards the nets for capture

Removing captured paddlefish from large mesh gill nets on the upper Mississippi

Broken and healed Paddlefish rostrum 

Paddlefish attached to a float for accelerometer monitoring

Deploying large mesh gill nets for Paddlefish Sampling in Grand Lake, Oklahoma

Released Paddlefish with accelerometer and float for short term behavioral monitoring

Attempting to draw blood to assess initial capture stress in Paddlefish

Adult Paddlefish after accelerometer testing

Commercial harvest net Paddlefish are commonly caught in

Accelerometer belt attached to the caudal peduncle prior to release for monitoring

Assessing Paddlefish for rostrum damage

Paddlefish after accelerometer testing

Paddlefish critical thermal maxima test

Paddlefish recovery bins after exercise

Paddlefish blood draw

Centrifuged Paddlefish blood, ready for plasma extraction

Juvenile Paddlefish during transport

Netting juvenile Paddlefish to transfer to holding tanks

Juvenile Paddlefish in holding tanks

Juvenile Paddlefish

Checking on Largemouth Bass in livewell simulations

Largemouth Bass with cull tag

Completing a reflex assessment on Largemouth Bass

Largemouth Bass


Prepping a Paddlefish for spawning

Suturing a female Paddlefish

Developing Paddlefish embryo

Larval Invasive Carp

Young Invasive Carp

Larval Invasive Carp

Adult Invasive Carp

Limpkin in the swamp understory

Apple Snail egg clutch on a cypress tree

Limpkin in a cypress tree

Apple Snail shell

Swamp camp education on fishes

Nicholls day at Louisiana's captial

Gulf of Mexico conference 2022

Poster presented at Louisiana chapter of the  American Fisheries Society meeting

Blue Crab

Bull Shark

Established marsh terrace

New marsh terrace

Marsh terraces being built

Brackish marsh

Restored marsh in Louisiana

Evaluating fish from a restored marsh in Louisiana

Larval lab spawned Spotted Gar

Longnose Gar

Spotted Gar at a restored marsh

Spotted Gar

Xiphophorus helleri male

Ohio Univeristy Expo

Xiphophorus helleri male

Setting up a room in the Morris Fish Lab!

Stone Laboratory fish sampling work shop!

Internship with the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, working as a storm water intern 

Creek affected by acid mine drainage

Creek affected by acid mine drainage