About Me

My name is Shasta Kamara, I am originally from Ohio and studied at Ohio University for my undergraduate degree where I began my research career in the Morris Fish Laboratory helping graduate students evaluate behaviors in Xiphophorus helleri  and Xiphophorus multilinieatus. After graduating in May 2021, I started my Master's degree at Nicholls State University in the Bayousphere Research Laboratory. I evaluated finfish and crustacean assemblages among habitats in a restored brackish marsh. I graduated in May 2023 and I am pursuing a Ph.D. at the University of Illinois in the Suski Lab focusing on Paddlefish conservation and management starting in fall 2023! I love fishing, getting out on the water and keeping aquariums in my spare time. 

Shasta Kamara CV

Contact: skamara2@illinois.edu

Undergraduate Lab

PI: Dr. Molly Morris

PI: Dr. Quenton Fontenot

PhD Lab

PI: Dr. Cory Suski