Welcome to the Nayak Lab!

Here we have fun with atoms, photons and nanophotonic structures.


研究キーワード: 量子光学、ナノフォトニクス、ナノファイバー光学、レーザー冷却とトラッピング、単一光子、単一原子、単一ナノエミッターの制御と操作

News and Events


KPN, Bhavya and Kon presented talks at Optical Nanofibre Applications: From Quantum to Bio-Technologies (ONNA 2023).

KPN: “Interfacing single quantum emitters with fiber-guided photons” (Invited)

Bhavya: “Towards trapping an array of single atoms on a nanofiber” 

Kon: “Fabrication of photonic crystal cavity on a 300 nm diameter nanofiber” 


KPN presented an invited talk "Quantum Photonics on a Tapered Optical Fiber" at The 28th  Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC) July 2-6 2023, Shanghai, China. (Online Presentation)

IEEE Publishing Group


Two Posters presented in Quantum 2.0, 18–22 June 2023, Denver, Colorado United States 

Optica Publishing Group 

 "Plasmon Enhanced Polarized Single Photon Emission into Optical Fiber"   Presentation ID: QW2A. 24 (Online Presentation)

"Silicon-vacancy nanodiamonds on an optical nanofiber for quantum technologies" Presentation ID: QW2A. 25  (Online Presentation)


近 悠成 (Kon Haruto) successfully graduated and continued as M1-Student.

Three undergraduate (B4) students joined our lab.

蔀 優一  (Shitomi Yuichi)

飯田和 圭 (Kei Iidawa)

黒松賢匠 (Kensho Kuromatsu)


One paper published in Physical Review Applied: Bright and Polarized Fiber In-Line Single-Photon Source Based on Plasmon-Enhanced Emission into Nanofiber Guided Modes, Phys. Rev. Applied 19, 034008 (2023).


KPN presented a poster "Plasmon Enhanced Polarized Single Photon Emission Into Fiber Guided Modes" at Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science meeting (FIO-LS) 2022 (17 -20 Oct.), organized by Optica, held in a hybrid format at Rochester, USA. Presentation ID: JTu5B.26 (Online Presentation)


One PhD Student, Bhavya P., joined our lab.


One paper published in Journal of Optics: Optimization of nanofiber gratings for efficient single-photon collection, J. Opt. 24, 115401 (2022).


KPN presented an invited talk "Quantum photonics on an all-fiber platform" at 2022 International Conference on Optical Precision Measurements (ICOPM 2022), organized by Taiyuan University of Technology, China (Online Presentation).


KPN presented a talk "Plasmon-enhanced bright and polarized single photon emission into nanofiber guided modes" at The Physical Society of Japan (JPS) 2022 Autumn Meeting, held at Tokyo Institute of Technology (face-to-face).


KPN presented an invited talk "A single atom quantum interface on a tapered optical fiber" at Laser Based Sensors, Optical Sensors Conference 2022 (as part of Optica Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress 2022), (SW4E.6), (online).


One paper appeared in arxiv: Bright and polarized fiber in-line single photon source based on plasmon-enhanced emission into nanofiber guided modes, arXiv:2206.13029 [quant-ph] (2022)


One paper published in Applied Physics Letters: Integration of silicon-vacancy centers in nanodiamonds with an optical nanofiber, Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 241102 (2022).


One undergraduate student,  近 悠成 (Kon Haruto), joined our lab.


One paper published in Applied Physics Letters: One-sided composite cavity on an optical nanofiber for cavity QED, Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 071108 (2022).


Lab website has just started!