Trigger Some Curiosities

Interesting & Informative (Mostly) Video Content

Kento Bento- Asiany History!

Explore forgotten histories & other mysteries pictorially. Features ruins and old structures that appear to have older histories than reported!

"Interesting facts!"

'Cutting Edge' Discoveries

Australian host looks at alternative historical chronology, events and structures. Ever heard of star forts, Tartaria or mud floods?

*= means 'to self educate'

Ancient Lost Worlds & Hidden History!

Explore the world using science.

Create Geometric Art, Mandalas, Fractals and Sacred Geometry Patterns.

Anthropologist and author who digs into topics and mysteries not often explored!

Shares life tips, big ideas to improve how YOU live your life.

Recreates food shown in movies and television.

Scratch cooking at its finest!

British author & YouTuber Arran claims to be the "gatekeeper of useless facts" yet most would agree what he finds is mind-blowing!

These YouTube channels are used for streaming KAISER athletic events, which are later permanently uploaded. There are 2 channels because of simultaneous events! GO TEAM COUGARS!

These YouTube channels are used for streaming KAISER athletic events, which are later permanently uploaded. There are 2 channels because of simultaneous events! GO TEAM COUGARS!

HI Stock Market Game Awards

We have a winner! Watch for Seanna G. for her 1st Place win--where she grew her initial $100K 'play' money to $118K in only 10 weeks! [Look for her at the 12 minute mark.] Interested more in Stock Market dabbling? Check out high school teacher, J Bravo's channel- he's so funny too!

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