"Local Environmental Organizations and Long-Term Investor Value Appropriation," with Chune Y. Chung and Gia Han Doan, International Review of Financial Analysis 95, 2024, 103506.
"Lever Up! An Analysis of Options Trading in Leveraged ETFs," with Collin Gilstrap, Alex Petkevich, and Pavel Teterin, Journal of Futures Markets 44, 2024, pp. 986-1002.
"A Perfect Storm in the Financial Market," with Chune Y. Chung and Seok-Kyun Hur, Journal of Financial Stability 61, 2022, 101034.
"Do Domestic or Foreign Institutional Investors Matter? The Case of Firm Information Asymmetry in Korea," with Chune Y. Chung and Hyeik Kim, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 72, 2022, 101727.
"Is ‘Not Trading’ Informative? Evidence from Corporate Insiders’ Portfolios," with Scott Cederburg and Luke DeVault, Financial Analysts Journal 78, 2022, pp. 79-100.
"Related Party Transactions and Corporate Environmental Responsibility," with Wonseok Choi, Chune Y. Chung, and Monika Rabarison, Finance Research Letters 46, 2022, 102490.
"Firm-Level Political Risk and Corporate Investment," with Wonseok Choi and Chune Y. Chung, Finance Research Letters 46, 2022, 102307.
"Blessing or Curse? Institutional Investment in Leveraged ETFs," with Luke DeVault and Harry Turtle, Journal of Banking and Finance 129, 2021, 106169.
"The Big Picture: The Industry Effect of Short Interest," with Chune Y. Chung and Chang Liu, International Review of Financial Analysis 76, 2021, 101760.
"A Tale of Two Forms of Proximity: Geography and Market," with Chune Y. Chung and Hong Kee Sul, Journal of Business Research 122, 2021, pp. 14-23.
“Are Better-Governed Firms More Innovative? Evidence from Korea,” with Paul M.S. Choi, Chune Y. Chung, and Xuan Vinh Vo, International Review of Economics and Finance 69, 2020, pp. 263-279.
"Perceived Information, Short Interest, and Institutional Demand," with Chune Y. Chung and Luke DeVault, Journal of Empirical Finance 54, 2019, pp. 22-38.
"Insider Demand and Industry Trends," with Collin Gilstrap and Alex Petkevich, Journal of Financial Research 42, 2019, pp. 713-733.
"Does Institutional Ownership Predict Mutual Fund Performance? An Examination of Undiscovered Holdings within 13(f) Reports," with Xuhui Pan and Blerina Zykaj, European Financial Management 25, 2019, pp. 1249-1285.
"When Short Sellers and Corporate Insiders Agree on Stock Pricing," with Chune Y. Chung and Hong Kee Sul, Journal of Portfolio Management 45, 2019, pp. 129-142.
"Do Firms Have Target Capital Structures? Evidence from Institutional Monitoring," with Chune Y. Chung and Chang Liu, International Review of Economics and Finance 58, 2018, pp. 65-77.
"Does Hometown Advantage Matter? The Case of Institutional Blockholder Monitoring on Earnings Management in Korea," with Chune Y. Chung, Chang Liu, and Hong Kee Sul, Journal of International Business Studies 49, 2018, pp. 196-221.
"Optionable Stocks and Mutual Fund Performance," with Chune Y. Chung, Doojin Ryu, and Blerina Zykaj, Journal of Futures Markets 38, 2018, pp. 390-412.
"The Value in Fundamental Accounting Information," with Harry Turtle, Journal of Financial Research 40, 2017, pp. 113-140.
"Strategic Merger Decisions across Business Cycles: Evidence from Bidders' Time-Varying Appetite for Operating Leverage," with Chune Y. Chung and Seok-Kyun Hur, International Review of Economics and Finance 47, 2017, pp. 143-158.
"Why Is Accounting Information Important to Bondholders?" with Doina Chichernea and Alex Petkevich, Journal of Fixed Income 26, 2017, pp. 82-107.
"Short-Term Trading by Individual Investors in the Korean Stock Market," with Chune Y. Chung, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy 21, 2016, pp. 599-611.
"The Impact of Individual Investor Trading on Information Asymmetry in the Korean Stock Market," with Chune Y. Chung, North American Journal of Economics and Finance 37, 2016, pp. 472-484.
"The Benefits of Improved Covariance Estimation," with Harry Turtle, Journal of Empirical Finance 37, 2016, pp. 233-246.
"Institutional Investor Trading in a Short Investment Horizon: Evidence from the Korean Stock Market," with Chune Y. Chung and Chang Liu, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 52, 2016, pp. 1002-1012.
"Institutional Monitoring: Evidence from the F-Score," with Chune Y. Chung, Chang Liu, and Blerina Zykaj, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting 42, 2015, pp. 885-914.
"Modeling Conditional Covariances with Economic Information Instruments," with Harry Turtle, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 32, 2014, pp. 217-236.
"Do Institutional Investors Monitor Management? Evidence from the Relationship between Institutional Ownership and Capital Structure," with Chune Y. Chung, North American Journal of Economics and Finance 30, 2014, pp. 203-233.