Research Statement


Education. I received my Ph.D. degree in Mathematics (June 2021) from Middle East Technical University, Mathematics Department, under the supervision of Ali Ulaş Özgür Kişisel (Dept. of Math, METU) and Bayram Tekin (Dept. of Phys., METU).  My thesis is centered around studying several stacky constructions and their consequences in Einstein's gravity theory, with various scenarios. My thesis title is "Stacky Formulations of Einstein Gravity" which can be found in the OpenMETU archive. 

Career. From 2014 to 2021, I held a research assistant position (consisting of TA and Coordination duties) in Mathematics Department, at Middle East Technical University. After graduation, in Summer 2021, I worked as an instructor (during Summer School) in Math. Department at METU. In the Fall 2021 Semester, I worked as a postdoc with Ferruh Özbudak at the Institute of Applied Mathematics, Middle East Technical University. From Spring 2022 to Spring 2023, I was a postdoc in the research group of Alberto Cattaneo at the Institute of Mathematics, University of Zurich.  Upon returning to Türkiye, I joined, as a postdoc, the research project of Aybike Özer at the Department of Mathematics, Istanbul Technical University (Spring 2023 - Fall 2023). Currently, I am a visiting assistant professor at the Department of Mathematics, Bilkent University (Fall 2023 - present).

Research of interest. In a nutshell, I study higher structures in geometry and physics. My research consists of many ideas from Algebraic/Differential Geometry, Moduli Theory, (higher) Category Theory, Derived Algebraic Geometry, Quantum Invariants, and Classical/Quantum (Functorial) Field Theories.

The material below outlines my graduate journey and presents how it evolved over time. Please do not hesitate to contact me for any comments, corrections, or suggestions. I hope that the material introduced below may also provide a naïve guideline to the existing literature for non-experts who may wish to explore those kinds of subjects. Last but not least,  this might be an opportunity to appreciate the beautiful mathematics behind the scenes.

May the force be with you! 

Prequel Story:  Not a long time ago in a galaxy not far, far away... (2017-2019)

A number of remarkable techniques arising from particular gauge theories in physics have long been incarnated into different branches of mathematics. They have been notably employed to study low dimensional topology and geometry in rather sophisticated ways: Donaldson's theory on four-manifolds [12], the work of Floer on the topology of 3-manifolds and Yang-Mills Instantons [13, 14, 21], and Witten's knot invariants [3].

My research motivation in this phase is, in fact, to study different interactions between low-dimensional topology/geometry and certain quantum field theories.

Topological Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Invariants. My main research of interest was first essentially about TQFTs (in the sense of Atiyah [5]) in various dimensions. For almost two years, I have studied Witten's work on QFT and the Jones polynomial [3] and its possible consequences together with the notion of geometric quantization [9, 10, 25]. Indeed, this was my starting point to investigate the notion of TQFT (manifested in the language of category theory), especially in the case of the three-dimensional Chern-Simons gauge theory. 

As a consequence and application of Witten's interpretation of knot invariants, I first investigated (i) Witten's construction of two-dimensional integrable lattice models [4] by means of such a three-dimensional description of knot invariants; and next (ii) I studied the Morse theoretic interpretation of the usual 2+1 topological Chern-Simons gauge theory [13, 14, 21]. One of the outputs of this phase of my research journey, on the other hand, is as follows:

Central Theme: Derived Algebraic Geometry (DAG) and Physics (2019-2021)

This phase of my research journey and all possible outputs can be collected under the title of Derived Geometry and Physics, which includes the following topics: (derived) stacks and moduli problems, higher categories, derived algebraic geometry, shifted geometric structures, and formulations of classical/quantum field theories in the context of derived algebraic geometry, and the structure of observables in those theories via factorization algebras. 

The main goals of our program, in particular, are to provide the reformulation of Einstein's theory of gravity and to capture certain aspects of the theory in view of derived objects and the homotopy theory of stacks [6, 16]. 

Derived geometry, moduli problems, and physics. Derived algebraic geometry (DAG) essentially provides a new setup to deal with non-generic situations in geometry (e.g. non-transversal intersections and ``bad" quotients). To this end, it combines higher categorical objects and homotopy theory with many tools from homological algebra. Hence, roughly speaking, it can be considered as a higher categorical/homotopy theoretical refinement of classical algebraic geometry. In that respect, it offers a new way of organizing information for various purposes. Therefore, it has many interactions with other mathematical domains. For a survey of some directions, we refer to [26, 27].

Regarding physics-related problems, for example, [7, 8] studies gauge theories and factorization algebras in the context of DAG. In [6], a stacky formulation of Yang-Mills fields on Lorentzian manifolds is presented. [31] examines higher structures in algebraic quantum eld theory. [32, 33] focus on geometric functorial eld theories.

Inspired by the aforementioned formulations, in this phase, we present a similar type of analysis in the case of certain Einstein gravities and investigate its possible consequences. For instance, we study 3D Einstein-Cartan-Palatini gravity theory and 3D quantum gravity using the language of stacks. Our constructions, in fact, employ some techniques from Hollander's homotopy theory of stacks [16].

In brief, this phase can be considered as a first naïve step toward the understanding of "stacky" formulations for Einstein’s gravity theory. In that respect, this phase consists of the outputs

Current Directions: Higher geometric/algebraic structures and more (2021- )

Shifted geometric structures. In the context of DAG, it is possible to work with familiar geometric structures, but in more general forms. For instance, k-shifted versions of Symplectic and Poisson geometries have already been described and studied in [19, 30]. In this regard, [20, 28, 29] offer some applications and local constructions. We, on the other hand, provide a similar framework for the case of contact geometry. In what follows, we explain our current works and future/ongoing projects.

In this regard,  we propose a shifted version of the classical contact geometry in the following manuscript:

In this paper, the goal is to establish the shifted version of the classical connection between symplectic and contact geometries. In brief, we formally define the concept of a k-shifted contact structure on derived stacks and study its local properties in the context of derived algebraic geometry. In this regard, for k-shifted contact derived K-schemes, we present a Darboux-like theorem and formulate the notion of symplectification.

In the sequel(s), our goals will be to extend the main results of this paper from derived schemes to the more general case of derived Artin stacks and to discuss more on the local structure theory of shifted contact derived spaces. Some relevant results will be available online soon.

I am also very curious about the possible applications and interesting examples of shifted contact structures.

Derived symplectic geometry and the AKSZ-type constructions. I am also interested in the algebraic AKSZ construction and its consequences.

Extended topological/geometric/homotopy functorial field theories. Why not? They look fun...


[1] E. Witten, 2+1 dimensional gravity as an exactly soluble system, Nucl.Phys. B 311 (1988)46 [INSPIRE].

[2] E. Witten, Quantization of Chern-Simons gauge theory with complex gauge group, Commun.Math. Phys. 137 (1991) 29 [INSPIRE].

[3] E. Witten, Quantum Field Theory and the Jones Polynomial, Commun.Math. Phys. 121(1989) 351 [INSPIRE].

[4] E. Witten, Gauge theories and integrable lattice models, Nuclear Physics B 322 (1989) 629[INSPIRE].

[5] M. Atiyah, Topological Quantum Field Theory, Inst.Hautes Etudes Sci.Publ.Math. 68 (1989)175 [INSPIRE].

[6] M. Benini, A. Schenkel, and U. Schreiber, The Stack of YangMills Fields on Lorentzian Manifolds, Commun.Math.Phys. 359 (2018) 765 [arXiv:1704.01378] [INSPIRE].

[7] K. Costello and O. Gwilliam, Factorization Algebras in quamtum eld theory, Vol. 1, Cambridge University Press (2016).

[8] K. Costello and O. Gwilliam, Factorization Algebras in quamtum eld theory, Vol. 2, available at

[9] B. C. Hall, Quantum Theory for Mathematicians, Springer-Verlag (2013).

[10] M. Blau, Symplectic geometry and geometric quantization, available at .

[11] S. Carlip, Lectures on (2+1)-Dimensional Gravity, arXiv:gr-qc/9503024 [INSPIRE].

[12] S. Donaldson, An application of gauge theory to the topology of four manifolds, J. Differential Geom. 18 (1983) 279.

[13] A. Floer, An instanton invariant for three manifolds, Comm. Math. Phys 118 (1988) 215.

[14] S. Donaldson, M. Furuta and D. Kotschick, Floer Homology Groups in Yang-Mills Theory, Cambridge University Press (2002).

[15] O. Gwilliam, Factorization algebras and free eld theories, available at gwilliam/thesis.pdf.

[16] S. Hollander, A homotopy theory for stacks, Israel Journal of Mathematics 163 (2008) 93.

[17] J. Lurie, Derived algebraic geometry X: Formal Moduli Problems (2011), available at lurie/papers/DAG-X.pdf

[18] G. Mess, Lorentz spacetimes of constant curvature, Geom Dedicata 126 (2007) 3 [arXiv:0706.1570].

[19] T. Pantev, B. Toën, M. Vaquié, and G. Vezzosi, Shifted symplectic structures, Publ. Math. Inst. Hautes Études Sci. 117 (2013) 271 [arXiv:1111.3209].

[20] C. Brav, V. Bussi and D. Joyce, A Darboux theorem for derived schemes with shifted symplectic structure, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 32 (2019) 399 [arXiv:1305.6302.].

[21] D. Ruberman, An Introduction to Instanton Floer Homology (2014), available at simons-instanton-notes.pdf.

[22] The Stacks Project Authors, Stacks Project, available at

[23] G. Vezzosi, Derived critical loci I-Basics, arXiv:1109.5213.

[24] G. Vezzosi, a Derived Stack?, Notices of the AMS 58 (2011) 955.

[25] N. Woodhouse, Geometric Quantization, Oxford University Press (1997).

[26] M. Anel, The Geometry of Ambiguity: An Introduction to the Ideas of Derived Geometry (2018).

[27] B. Toen, Derived algebraic geometry, EMS Surv. Math. Sci. 2(2014) 153.

[28] D. Joyce, P. Safronov, A Lagrangian Neighbourhood Theorem for shifted symplectic derived schemes, Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse Math. 28 (2019) 831.

[29] O. Ben-Bassat, C. Brav, V. Bussi, and D. Joyce, A ‘Darboux theorem’ for shifted symplectic structures on derived Artin stacks, with applications, Geom. Topol. 19 (2015) 1287.

[30] D. Calaque, T. Pantev, B. Toën, M. Vaquié, and G. Vezzosi, Shifted Poisson structures and deformation quantization, J. Topol. 10 (2017) 483.

[31] M. Benini and A. Schenkel, Higher Structures in Algebraic Quantum Field Theory: LMS/EPSRC Durham Symposium on Higher Structures in M-Theory. Fortschritte der Physik 67 (2019) 1910015.

[32] D. Grady and D. Pavlov, Extended eld theories are local and have classifying spaces, arXiv:2011.01208.

[33] M. Ludewig and A. Stoel, A framework for geometric eld theories and their classification in dimension one, SIGMA 17 (2021) 72-58.