


7) Introduction to symplectic geometry and geometric quantization, Department of Physics, METU, Ankara, Turkey, Spring 2024.

6) Category theory in geometry and physics, Nesin Mathematics Village, Undergraduate and Graduate Summer Camp 2023, Şirince, İzmir, Turkey

5) Lectures on Category-theoretical Formulations of Field Theories, IMBM, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey, Fall 2019.

4) Derived Geometry and Physics, Ankara-Istanbul AGNT - XXIV, Spring 2018.

3) Introduction to Floer's Instanton Homology, Department of Mathematics, METU, Ankara, Turkey,  Fall 2017 - 2018.

2) Introduction to Conformal Field Theory, Department of Physics,  METU, Ankara, Turkey, Fall 2017 - 2018.

1) Geometric Quantization and Its Applications, Department of Physics, METU, Ankara, Turkey, Spring 2016 - 2017.

Events - Visits 

Some online content

Bilkent Topology Seminar, Homotopy theory of stacks, 2024

Feza Gürsey Center for Physics and Mathematics,
Shifted contact structures, 2024

Feza Gürsey Center for Physics and Mathematics,
Symplectic structures on derived schemes, 2022

UCGEN Seminar - Higher Structures in Einstein's Gravity, Fall 2020

UCGEN Seminar - Higher Structures in Physics, Fall 2020

TMK 2. Matematik Çalıştayı 2021

ODTÜ Matematik Bölümü Soru & Cevap, 2020

ODTÜ Matematik Bölümü Lisans Programı Tanıtımı, 2020

DRP Türkiye

This is an online program that pairs undergraduate students studying mathematics at universities in Türkiye with graduate students and young researchers at institutions worldwide to work together on selected books or articles in mathematics. I have served as a mentor since the beginning of DRP Türkiye (Summer 2021).  It was a fun and fruitful experience. I wish I could have had such an opportunity in my undergrad years.  Currently, I have been enjoying my retirement?! But, I've learned my lesson:  once a DRP member always a DRP member...

KiB @ YouTube

I also have a YouTube channel that offers some supplementary material (like Recitation videos), lecture videos, and some recorded talks, etc... To be honest, I have not been using this channel actively for a while, but things might change...Anyways, you can reach out to the relevant playlists by using the links below: