Washington Schools Need Teacher Librarians

Why Teacher Librarians?

Qualified Teacher Librarians are certificated teachers with specialized training in running strong school libraries, including encouraging reading, teaching research skills, digital citizenship, and media literacy. In a world full of misinformation, teaching students how to access, evaluate, and ethically use information is critical.

Research shows that students with access to strong school library programs under the direction of qualified Teacher Librarians:

See the infographics below for more information.  Links to more research about the impact of  certificated Teacher Librarians is listed beneath the infographic, and you can find a list of studies here.

Research Support for Legislative Intent Statement.pdf
School Librarians v2.pdf

Research on The Impact of Teacher Librarians

(a partial list)

American Association of School Librarians National Research Forum-White Paper, Dec. 2014. Causality: School Libraries and Student Success

Coker, Elizabeth.  “Certified Teacher-Librarians, Library Quality and Student Achievement in Washington State Public Schools.” Washington Library Media Association White-Paper, April 2015.  

Lee, Sy-ying & Lao, Christy & Krashen, Stephen & McQuillan, Jeff. (2021). Predicting reading ability among ten-year-olds. 20-21. 

Oakleaf, Megan and Patricia L. Owen, 2010. “Closing the 12-13 Gap Together: School and College Librarians Supporting 21st Century Learners.” Teacher Librarian 37.4 (2010): 52-58

Valenza, Joyce Kasman, et al. “‘First Years' Information Literacy Backpacks: What's Already Packed or Not Packed?’” The Journal of Academic Librarianship, vol. 48, no. 4, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2022.102566.