K12 Digital Badge Network

Connecting K12 Badge Earners, Issuers, & Dreamers

Like Scout badges in the past, digital badges have the potential to celebrate small instructional victories as well as revolutionize assessment in any learning environment. Trusting learners to be in charge of their own curiosity and progress is empowering.

As teachers, choosing to coach learners as they discover their own learning paths rather than deliver content to them changes the instructional dynamics completely.

Are you interested in sharing your badging program here?

Simply fill out this form and we'll get the process started!

This curated collection of K12 Digital Badging efforts is targeted for teachers, administrators, and instructional designers hoping to gain experience as badge earners and developers.

Check out #BadgeChatk12 on Twitter!

Curated by Cate Tolnai, 2017


