Jinxin XUE's homepage

chaos is a ladder

Contact info:

Address: Jingzhai 310, Tsinghua University,

Beijing, China, 100084

Emails: jxue AT tsinghua DOT edu DOT cn

jinxinxue AT gmail DOT com

I am Xiaomi endowed professor in the department of mathematics of Tsinghua University. I graduated in 2013 from University of Maryland under the supervision of Dmitry Dolgopyat. My field of research is dynamical systems.

My primary interests are to find various special orbits in dynamical systems. Some of my works include:

(1) Noncollision singularities (finite time blowup solution) in Newtonian N-body problem. I finally solved the longstanding Painleve conjecture. Here is an animation of my result.

(2) Arnold diffusion orbit in slightly perturbed integrable systems. I solved the Arnold diffusion conjecture (jointly with C-Q. Cheng) in the smooth category for convex systems.

(3) Arnold diffusion orbit, oscillatory orbits, chaotic orbits near event horizon around blackholes.

(4) Periodic orbits in a class of Hamiltonian systems defined on Finsler manifolds.

Besides Hamiltonian dynamics, I also work on fields including hyperbolic dynamics, group actions, symplectic topology, mean curvature flow etc. I am interested in understanding the global dynamics, singularity analysis and statistical properties, etc.

Research interests:

Dynamical systems (Hamiltonian, symplectic, hyperbolic, etc)

Academic experiences:

2022--now Xiaomi endowed Professor, Tsinghua University , Department of Mathematics

2020--2022 Professor, Tsinghua University , Department of Mathematics & YMSC

2017--2020, Associate Professor, Tsinghua University, Department of Mathematics & YMSC

2018 fall, Member, MSRI

2014--2017, L. E. Dickson instructor, University of Chicago (mentor: Amie Wilkinson)

2013 fall, Member, MSRI

2012 spring, Member, IAS

2010--2011, Visiting graduate student, Penn State University

2008--2013, Graduate student, University of Maryland (advisor: Dmitry Dolgopyat)

2004--2008, Bachelor of science, Nanjing University (advisor: Chong-Qing Cheng)

Grants and Awards

2019 Beijing Natural Science Foundation, Z180003

2018 National Natural Science Foundation of China, Significant Project, 11790273

2015 NSF Grant DMS-1500897

2007 Meritorious Prize, Mathematical Contest in Modeling of the US

2003 First Prize, Mathematics Contest of Senior High School in China