

  1. Here are the ppt and slides for my talks in Current Developments in Mathematics 2020, on Painleve conjecture.

  1. Here are the slides for my plenary talk in the ICCM 2020 on the dynamics of particles moving in a blackhole background.

  1. Here are the slides for the first talk of my talks series at MSRI 2018, on Arnold diffusion. The lecture notes are available here. Similar talk was given in ICCM 2018 at Taipei with slides here.

  1. Here are the slides for my talk at Maryland 2019 spring on rigidity of ABC group actions.

  1. Here are the slides for my talk at Shandong U 2019, on Floer homology for Finsler manifolds.

  1. Here are the slides for my talk at MIT 2016 on the random perturbations of standard map.

Lecture Notes:

Readers should be warned that they were not always proofread so there are numerous errors in the texts. I am happy to receive any suggestions, critiques or comments.

  1. Here is the lecture notes for my undergraduate ODE class at Tsinghua in 2019 fall.

  1. Here is the lecture notes for my graduate course on Nonlinear functional Analysis in 2019 Spring and 2020 Spring.

  1. Here is the lecture notes for my graduate course on Dynamical systems in 2018 Spring.