
Journal Articles

Undergraduate mentee denoted by *


12. *Robbins, M., Shawler, J.L., and Hein, C.J., 2022, Contribution of longshore sand exchanges to mesoscale barrier-island behavior: Insights from the Virginia Barrier Islands, U.S. East Coast, Geomorphology, PDF


11. Shawler, J.L., Hein, C.J., *Obara, C.L., *Robbins, M., Huot, S., and Fenster, M., 2021, The effect of coastal landform development on decadal-to millennial-scale longshore sediment fluxes: Evidence from the Holocene evolution of the central mid-Atlantic coast, USA, Quaternary Science Reviews, Open Access Link

10. Wehmiller, J.F., Brothers, L.L., Ramsey, K.W., Foster, D.S., Mattheus, C.R., Hein, C.J. and Shawler, J.L., 2021, Molluscan aminostratigraphy of the US Mid-Atlantic Quaternary coastal system: Implications for onshore-offshore correlation, paleochannel and barrier island evolution, and local late Quaternary sea-level history. Quaternary Geochronology, Open Access Link

9. Langston, A.K., Coleman, D.J., Jung, N.J., Shawler, J.L., Smith, A.J., Williams, B.L., Wittyngham, S., Chambers, R.M., Perry, J.E., and Kirwan, M.L., 2021, The Effect of Marsh Age on Ecosystem Function in a Rapidly Transgressing Marsh, Ecosystems, PDF

8. Ciarletta, D. J., Miselis, J. L., Shawler, J. L., and Hein, C. J.: Quantifying Thresholds of Barrier Geomorphic Change in a Cross-Shore Sediment Partitioning Model, Earth Surface Dynamics, Open Access Link


7. Shawler, J.L., Ciarletta, D., Connell, J., *Boggs, B.Q., Lorenzo-Trueba, J., and Hein, C.J., 2020, Relative influence of antecedent topography and sea-level rise on barrier-island migration, Sedimentology, PDF


6. Shawler, J.L., Hein, C.J., Canuel, E.A., Kaste, J., Fitzsimons, G., Georgiou, I., and Willard, D. 2019, Tidal erosion and upstream sediment trapping modulate records of land-use change in a formerly glaciated New England estuary, Anthropocene Coasts, 2(1): 340-36, Open Access Link

5. Ciarletta, D.J., Shawler, J.L., Tenebruso, C., Hein, C.J., and Lorenzo-Trueba, J., 2019, Reconstructing Coastal Sediment Budgets from Beach‐ and Foredune‐ Ridge Morphology: A Coupled Field and Modeling Approach, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, PDF

4. Hein, C.J., Shawler, J.L., De Camargo, J.M., Klein, A.H.D.F., Tenebruso, C., and Fenster, M.S., 2019, The role of coastal sediment sinks in modifying longshore sand fluxes: Examples from the coasts of southern Brazil and the mid-Atlantic USA, The Coastal Sediments Proceedings 2019, World Scientific. PDF

3. Shawler, J.L., Ciarletta, D.L., Lorenzo-Trueba, J., and Hein, C.J., 2019, Drowned foredune ridges as evidence of pre-historical barrier-island state changes between migration and progradation, The Coastal Sediments Proceedings 2019, World Scientific PDF


2. *Raff, J.L., Shawler, J.L., Ciarletta, D., Hein, E.A., Lorenzo-Trueba, J., and Hein, C.J., 2018, Insights into barrier island stability derived from transgressive/regressive state changes of Parramore Island, Virginia., Marine Geology, PDF

1. Ibes, D., Shawler, J.L., Hart-Moynihan, L., Schwartz, A., and Barbara, L., 2018, Senior-friendly parks? Actionable steps for enhancing use, satisfaction, and access by older adults, Recreation, Parks, and Tourism in Public Health, PDF

Selected Recent Conference Abstracts

See CV for complete list

Undergraduate mentee denoted by *


Justin L. Shawler, Hein, C.J., *Obara, C.A., *Robbins, M.G., and Fenster, M.S., 2021, Late Holocene evolution of a sand sink on the northern Virginia coast: Implications for regional sediment transport, Northeastern Section Meeting, Geological Society of America.


Shawler, J.L., Ciarletta, D., Connell, J., *Boggs, B.Q., Lorenzo-Trueba, J., and Hein, C.J., 2020, New insights into the coupled influence of antecedent geology and sea-level rise on barrier-island dynamics, Geological Society of America

Shawler, J.L., Hein, C.J., Canuel, E.A., Kaste, J., Fitzsimons, G., Georgiou, I., and Willard, D. 2020, Human and natural impacts on sedimentation in the Merrimack River Estuary, Massachusetts, USA, American Geophysical Union


Shawler, J.L., Constant, V., Leasure-Earnhardt, A., Rezaie, A.M., Szczyrba, L., and Whitworth, J.D., 2019, Using a conceptual framework to guide transdisciplinary climate adaptation research among early career researchers, in Graduate Climate Conference 2019

Shawler, J.L., Constant, V., Leasure-Earnhardt, A., Rezaie, A.M., Szczyrba, L., and Whitworth, J.D., 2019, Developing a conceptual framework on coastal resilience to guide transdisciplinary research in the Chesapeake Bay region, in International Transdisciplinarity Conference 2019

Hein, C.J., Canuel, E.A., and Shawler, J.L., 2019, Climatic and anthropogenic controls on sediment sources, fluxes, and transport pathways to and across a formerly glaciated coastal zone, INQUA 2019

Shawler, J.L., Hein, C.J., Ciarletta, D.L., and Lorenzo-Trueba, J., 2019, Beyond storms and sea level: The imprints of antecedent geology and sediment supply on the evolution of the Virginia barrier islands, in GSA Southeastern Section Meeting.

*Boggs, B.Q., Shawler, J.L., Connell, J.E., and Hein, C.J., 2019, Quantifying the slope of antecedent topography underlying NJ and MD barrier islands, in GSA Southeastern Section Meeting.