
These are some of the classes I have taught recently. Since many of them are co-taught and co-designed with colleagues, I haven't linked to the syllabi, but I can share them on request.

2023/24 Classes

The Ethics of Conversation (Upper-level undergraduate)

Forgiveness (Postgraduate)

Past Classes

The Ethics of Blame (Postgraduate)

The Ethics of Conversation (Postgraduate)

Advanced Metaethics (Upper-level undergraduate)

Moral and Aesthetic Value (Lower-level undergraduate)

Contemporary Subjectivism (Postgraduate)

The Structure of Normativity (Postgraduate)

The Contributory and the Overall (Postgraduate)

Reasons for Action and Belief (Upper-level undergraduate)

Value and Normativity (Upper-level undergraduate)

Reading Philosophy (Upper-level undergraduate)

Rationality and Action (Lower-level undergraduate)