
Fellow Testimonies

Kay's Story

"I don't know what I would have done if Justice Ministries did not come to help!"

Kay and her husband, Dave moved to Pagosa Springs after retiring. They enjoyed an active, vibrant life here for many years. Kay developed physical disabilities so Dave became Kay's helpmate. Years later Dave developed dementia so Kay became Dave's caretaker. The two of them lived together in their home with minimal support from outside services until just a few months before Dave passed away. After his death, Kay became very lonely. She needed extra help and at the same time she wanted to help others. Naively, Kay invited two strangers to move into her home. They were highly manipulative and taking advantage of Kay. Valuable items were being stolen, both were causing chaos and discord with each other, stirring up confusion for Kay, and one began inviting unsavory people over during the night hours. Initially, Kay called Justice Ministries while her husband was alive to arrange rides for medical appointments but as time went on it became apparent that Kay needed assistance with her safety and living arrangements. Justice Ministries collaborated with a several agencies and together with Kay constructed a plan to get the appropriate legal help and physical assistance Kay needed. Justice Ministries helped Kay pack and move to a new city and into a beautiful, assisted living facility with greater proximity to her son.

James 1:27 Pure and unblemished religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit and look after the fatherless and the widows in their distress, and to keep oneself uncontaminated by the world.

Jerome's Story

"A safe place to bear my soul!" Justice Ministries demonstrates the love of Jesus in a real & tangible way!"

Jerome first came to Justice Ministries because he was hungry! Traveling through town he was referred to us on the street by a homeless man. Weary from extraordinary circumstances, in which he had lost both his income and his only home, Jerome was both physically and mentally exhausted. Justice Ministries connected him with some day labor opportunities and a temporary place to live. As he was getting on his feet, Justice Ministries assisted him in gaining greater life skills. "JM helped me examine & evaluate life choices I was making and attitudes that were negatively perpetuating my circumstances in a non-condescending and non-judgmental fashion. They connected me with resources necessary for my mental health and stability. For over a year they have been my safe place to bear my soul! Justice Ministries demonstrates the love of Jesus in a real and tangible way. Through kindness, goodness and spiritual truth they restore my spirit. They are like family to me! When I was in the hospital, they ensured the safety of my truck, RV and all my belongings. I can always get a word of encouragement or clear direction when I need it! They give me the opportunity to help me by allowing me to help others!"

Matthew 25:40 Then the King replied, "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these, you did unto me."