Attention! On Windows, do not put jcpicker.exe in Program Files or other protected folders, as the system may not permit Just Color Picker to create new files. On macOS, don't forget to allow Just Color Picker the access to the screen in System Preferences Privacy settings. For more information, read the user manual and q&a below.

The harmonious colour scheme generator suggests a few colours that may be a good combination with the latest-picked, selected or being-edited colour. With this feature, you can quickly find a nice colour combination, for example for your web site. Simply choose the main colour of your design, and the colour picker will offer a few colours harmoniously matching with it. These colours are merely an automatic suggestion; you can pick and edit any of them further.

Just Color Picker Portable Download


On Windows, it is a jcpicker.txt file, created in the same location where you placed the jcpicker.exe file. You can delete, move or rename that text file if you wish; in that case Just Color Picker will start with an empty colour list. Via the Colour List menu, you can manually save multiple lists by giving them different names and/or saving them into different locations, and load any of them later by opening the required file via the same menu.

If you want to keep some colours separately for future use, go to the Save As menu to save the colour list to a new text file. Use the Open menu item to load it back later. The Clear All command clears the list. You can also save the picked colours to an HTML file, which displays the picked colours in a more user-friendly format, with colour swatches, but keep in mind that HTML files cannot be loaded back into the colour picker.

By default, with Auto Save option enabled, when you close Just Color Picker, it saves all colours present in its colour list to a file named jcpicker.txt in the directory where you placed jcpicker.exe file. On each start, Just Color Picker opens that file and re-populates the colour list. If jcpicker.txt file has been deleted, moved or renamed, Just Color Picker will start with an empty list. If you disable Auto Save, Just Color Picker will launch with an empty list and will not save any picked colours on exit. The old jcpicker.txt file will remain in the application folder and you can load it again later by re-enabling Auto Save and restarting the application without picking any new colours. If you pick any new colours after re-enabling Auto Save, they will overwrite the old colour list the moment you quit the application.

Just Color Picker is a portable application, which means you don't need to install or un-install it. Simply double click the downloaded jcpicker.exe or jcpicker.dmg file to start using it. If you want to remove Just Color Picker from your computer, all you need to do is close it and delete its file(s).

On Windows, the application file is jcpicker.exe. It creates jcpicker.ini file with its settings and jcpicker.txt file with picked colours in the same folder where you put jcpicker.exe. To move or copy Just Color Picker to another device, you can either copy jcpicker.exe file alone, to start afresh, or copy it with .ini and/or .txt file, to keep your settings and/or colours. If you rename jcpicker.exe, its .ini and .txt files will be created with the new name too.

Do not put jcpicker.exe in Program Files or other protected folders, as the system may not permit Just Color Picker to create new files, which would make it unable to remember your settings or picked colours between sessions. It is best to use a separate folder for all portable programs and place Just Color Picker in its subfolder, e.g. C:\Portables\JustColorPicker\jcpicker.exe, and then create a shortcut to jcpicker.exe and move it wherever you deem most convenient.

On macOS, the application file is jcpicker.dmg. As macOS limits the locations where an app can create new files automatically, Just Color Picker settings and the automatically-saved colour list are placed into Just Color Picker.cfg and Just Color Picker.cfg2 files in the user's home directory in the .config hidden folder that can be displayed by pressing Command+Shift+.(dot) after opening the home directory in Finder. You can save and open colour lists in different locations manually via the Colour List menu, however macOS does not permit saving files into protected folders like Applications.

Just Color Picker is portable software and therefore doesn't need to be installed or uninstalled. To start using Just Color Picker, simply download and run it: it is immediately ready for use, nothing is being installed, and this is why Just Color Picker doesn't appear in the list of installed software. To delete Just Color Picker from your computer, simply close it and delete the jcpicker.exe file with, if present, jcpicker.ini and jcpicker.txt files in the same folder.

I really like Just Color Picker. I replaced a color selector that I've been using for over 15 years. The only thing I would like to see added is the ability to set the X and Y coordinates and have it start where I position it, rather than in the center of the screen. If I have somehow missed the option to do this, I apologize.

Hello from South Africa.

I just wanted to say thank you for creating this tool. I've been using it since 2008 in college and there's no other tool that comes close. It saves me from having to open things like Photoshop to just get 1 single colour.

This graphic designer and web developer in the making is thankful :D

I have just downloaded this app & it is just what I needed so I'd like to thank you very much for that.

One other thing I would like to do is to fill a cell in Excel with one of the saved colours or the currently selected colour. Is this possible?

Dear Anny,

Thank you for your color picker, top position no. 1 and 2 searching for a color picker tool today. Worked fine.

Although more than that, I commend your site's code. If the bitcoin traffic matches the electric power consumptions of whole countries, the use of ready-made designs like for WordPress CMS worldwide, I believe, matches this easily too. Your site's "About" page code contains only 14848 characters, whereas a similar page of our Green party in Germany (WordPress) has 258284 of them!

JCP is very well done. You've struck an excellent balance between staying focused to the core task, while adding a strong array of useful supporting features. An offline color picker tool is one of those things that I have only occasional use for, and rarely bother to keep in my toolbox. This time around, I found JCP and the Colour List and Save features fit right into my current need. This stays in the toolbox.

I respect and admire your encouraging donations to worthy organizations. But IMO, sometimes the advocate deserves some beer/coffee money too. Any links for that?

Thanks! and be well!

Hi! I just want to say that I've been using Just Color Picker for many years and it is my favourite color picker of all I've ever seen. It's a very balanced tool - I mean the functionality vs easy-to-use and ergonomics. Simple and it does want I need. Great thanks!

Hello, just wanted to shoot a message expressing how grateful I am for Just Color Picker. I've been using it for over 5 years (probably more?).

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know this. Because it's free and all, I figured the least I could do is send a message on behalf of the silent majority so you know that your program is and always will be super useful to a lot of peeps.

Thanks again and keep being awesome :))

First of all thank you for such a useful little tool!

New/better Italian strings: 'Point lock' = 'Blocca in questo punto' (or a short version, 'Blocca qui'), 'Cancel' = 'Annulla' when you want to cancel an action (instead of 'Cancella', which is 'Delete/Erase' in Italian).

And a screen freeze issue/question: on Win 10 it freezes the screen as it should, but pressing the pick-color shortcut just defreezes the screen without picking up the color under mouse pointer. My misunderstanding or something not working as expected?

If you really want to put JCP in Program Files, put it in some other place first (some folder that is not system-protected), launch it from there, pick any colour, then close the app. See that it created two files jcpicker.ini and jcpicker.txt. Now grab all three JCP files: jcpicker.exe, jcpicker.ini and jcpicker.txt and move them to Program Files. This way you bypass Windows restrictions on creating files. Once the files have been created, everything should work fine.

I just wanted to mention what a great little program Just Color Picker is! One thing I have noticed, however, is that JCP occasionally gives the error "[C:\] is not a correct colour list file: Unsupported color space: 7". It turns out that "color space 7" is the CIELAB (L*a*b*) color space. It would be nice to have Lab format support but I understand if this isn't possible or not a priority.

JCPicker is a fine tool, as it supports different color formats. So I replaced my old tool with JCPicker.

JCPicker has one fine option to save the color list, which I often use to create pages of print with different colors. There's only one drawback, as the list is always saved in HEX format which then has to be translated to the other formats. It would have been nice to choose that color format, which is displayed in the box of the list and which is chosen by the color format selector.

Hi, thank you very for much for creating and sharing for free this very useful tool. I've been using it for several years.

Today I needed to experiment a little, to see what happens when the three components of a color scheme change all at the same time. So I needed to move each slider individually and realized that it would be a nice feature to keep some key pressed while moving a slider in order to move all the sliders at the same time, for example the Ctrl key or Alt... Can you implement this feature in the next releases? e24fc04721

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