Been one of my absolute favorites since it debuted. I have had a dance to it choreographed in my mind for years. Just need someone to execute it. Maybe we can make it happen. And when I die, whenever that is, I want it played at my service too.

I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear

 From his ancestors, who in a traditionary way had handed down from one to another what they knew of God, his will and worship, his works and ways; and from those who had the care of his education, parents and tutors, who had instilled the principles of religion, and the knowledge of divine things, into him very early; and from such as might instruct in matters of religion in a public manner; and both by ordinary and extraordinary revelation made unto him, as was sometimes granted to men in that age in which Job lived; see ( Job 4:16 Job 4:17 ) ( 33:14-16 ) . Though he had heard more of God through his speaking to him out of the whirlwind than ever he did before, to which he had attentively listened; and the phrase, hearing by or with the hearing of the ear, denotes close attention; see ( Ezekiel 44:5 ) ;

Download Song My Eyes Have Seen My Ears Have Heard


but now mine eye seeth thee;

 thy Shechinah, as Jarchi; thy divine glory and Majesty; the Logos, the Word or Son of God, who now appeared in an human form, and spake to Job out of the whirlwind; and whom he saw with the eyes of his body, as several of the patriarchs had seen him, and which is the sense of an ancient writer F14; though no doubt he saw him also with the eyes of his understanding, and had a clearer sight of his living Redeemer, the Messiah, than ever he had before; and saw more of God in Christ, of his nature, perfections, and glory, than ever he had as yet seen; and what he had heard of him came greatly short of what he now saw; particularly he had a more clear and distinct view of the sovereignty, wisdom, goodness, and justice of God in the dealings of his providence with the children of men, and with himself, to which now he humbly submitted.

I have talked about the babies but the reason why God sent me over here was to work with these precious Pastors that work with Arise Africa. I wish I could post every story, every miracle and every laugh that I have heard from these men but I cannot.

King James Bible

For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him.(Isaiah 64:4)

> But he also said: "Scripture says, `Our eyes have not yet seen, nor our ears

> heard, nor our minds imagined, what we can build.'" Now, this is not in my

> Bible. The closest there is comes from 1 Corinthians 2:9 which is rendered,

> "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has

> prepared for those who love Him." The difference between what Clinton

> portrays as Scripture, and what it does indeed say, puts what we can build

> in the place of what God has prepared.

This is not necessarily correct.Mr Clinton was speaking, not writing; we do not know where his quote ended.

The intention may have been to end the Scriptural quote after `imagined'; that

is, instead of quoting the Bible to talk about human greatness, he quoted the

Bible's imagery for impact. I'm a bit uncomfortable with this kind of chop-

quoting, but Christians do it all the time.

Mr Weiss also writes about Clinton's use of `New Covenant', and some other

Scriptural allusions. While I think that some of this may have been

calculated, I doubt all of it was. Both Clinton and Gore are Baptists of

some flavor (I think they are both Southern Baptists). Many Baptist churches

put a strong emphasis on memorising Scripture verses (my wife Nancy is a

walking concordance 8-). I know quite a few people who grew up with Bible-

verse flash cards, and Sunday School classes with `Sword Drills'. Some of

them speak in Scriptural paraphrases; the number of allusions to Bible

passages in daily speech can be astonishing. (My father-in-law once talked

about adding on to his house so he'd have more room, and then said he felt as

if he were `building bigger barns'. This is a single example, but I can think

of many more.)I think we should be glad there's a candidate who can find Scripture passages

vaguely relevant to his ideas; I suspect that quite a few of them have more

dust on their Bibles than they'd care to admit.

Mr Weiss also commented on Mr Clinton's position on abortion, and his view of

homosexuals in the military. Without getting into these issues again, suffice

it to say that I believe Mr Weiss is unfairly pushing his own opinions as if

they were exactly equivalent to Christianity. As a Christian who disagrees

with Mr Weiss on both issues, I would appreciate it if we could all be less

judgemental and self-righteous. -- As an aside, I find it strange that conservative Christians favor a candidate

whose church ordains homosexuals and has female priests (Mr Bush is an

Episcopalian). While the other candidate's denomination just voted to kick

out any church which condoned homosexuality, and refuses to financially assist

any church with an ordained woman.It's similar to the amazement I felt in 1980. Jimmy Carter was a Baptist

Sunday School teacher for many years before he became president or even

started running, and he seriously tried to work for peace (he's the one who

got Egypt to recognise Israel). But when Ronald Reagan got elected, many

Christians called this an ideal opportunity -- even though Mr Reagan's group

(Presbyterian) has more ordained women than any other denomination, and was

working on a statement wildly revising their sexual ethics. (This report made

news several years later, and was rejected.)So far as I can tell, what somebody says about public policy is what matters

most -- not what he does, or what he endorses and supports. When Mr Bush was

told that an active lesbian had been ordained a priest, he said "I don't

think I'm quite ready for that" -- not "I think that was wrong" or "I'm off

to the Anglican Catholics". I don't usually trust politicians much (certainly

not in this age of spin doctors and media consultants). When somebody says

that certain things are immoral, but supports a church which endorses and

supports them, I get a bit suspicious.In fact, I think anti-abortion pro-legislation people don't really have a

presidential candidate this year. Mr Clinton said he is anti-abortion

pro-choice, and Mr Bush's actions seem to suggest that while he finds abortion

a useful campaign issue, he doesn't really care. In particular, he called the

recent Supreme Court decision a victory, even though they specifically refused

to overturn Roe v Wade. (Randall Terry had a somewhat different view of the

decision.) The President was more upset about striking down prayer at

graduation than he was about upholding abortion rights. His religious

denomination takes an official position in favor of keeping abortion legal,

and says the state should not remove a woman's right to choose -- how many of

you would remain in a church that took such a position? (Not entirely fair,

since Episcopalians tend to be very loyal.)As I recall, he used to be pro-choice and only `converted' when he ran with

Ronald Reagan -- this makes me doubt his sincerity. (Of course, I Could Be


Darren F Provine /

"Politician, n.: From the Greek `poly' (`many') and the French `tete' (`head'

 or `face,' as in `tete-a-tete': head to head or face to face). Hence

 `polytetien', a person of two or more faces." -- Martin Pitt

Amos 5:21-26 I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell

in your solemn assemblies. Though ye offer me burnt offerings and

your meat offerings, I will not accept [them]: neither will I regard

the peace offerings of your fat beasts. Take thou away from me the

noise of thy songs; for I will not hear the melody of thy viols. But

let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty

stream. Have ye offered unto me sacrifices and offerings in the

wilderness forty years, O house of Israel? But ye have borne the

tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your

god, which ye made to yourselves.Moloch (Molech) was the god of the Ammonites and Phoenicians to whom 

some Israelites sacrificed their infants in the valley of Hinnom.Clinton has been announcing his vision of America, a pro-choice 

America; for whom he will sign the Freedom of Choice Act into law.

He has been bearing this promise of an increase in the tabernacle 

of Molech as a key campaign point. Then he declares that this and 

other promises are to be considered a "New Covenant." The spirit of 

Molech is to be considered part of a "New Covenant."Certainly God evaluates the sins of an individual; but God judges 

nations for the corporate sins of that nation. Sodom was destroyed 

for the corporate sins of the people... the Israelites, God's own 

covenant people, were carried away in bondage for the corporate sins 

that Israel committed. One of those sins was that they sacrificed 

their children to Molech. And now, we have a man who wishes to further 

our national disposition towards Molech under the banner of "New 

Covenant."I'm grieved and astonished at this level of blasphemy. God help us. 

God, heal our land. Awaken us from our slumbering and our sluggishness 

and cause our hearts to turn back to you. Alert us to what is going on 

in the spiritual and open our eyes. God help us. en agape,


>> But he also said: "Scripture says, `Our eyes have not yet seen, nor our ears

>> heard, nor our minds imagined, what we can build.'" Now, this is not in my

>> Bible. The closest there is comes from 1 Corinthians 2:9 which is rendered,

>> "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has

>> prepared for those who love Him." The difference between what Clinton

>> portrays as Scripture, and what it does indeed say, puts what we can build

>> in the place of what God has prepared. e24fc04721

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